  • 李海鹰,王桂文,周兴,范嘉晔.苦丁茶组培苗工厂化生产若干问题探讨[J].广西科学院学报,1998,(1):32-34,39.    [点击复制]
  • Li Haiying,Wang Guiwen,Zhou Xin,Fan Jiaye.Several Questions of Factorial Production on Tissue Culture of Ilex kudingcha[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1998,(1):32-34,39.   [点击复制]
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李海鹰, 王桂文, 周兴, 范嘉晔
(广西科学院生物研究所, 南宁 530003)
探讨苦丁茶(Ilex kudingcha)组培苗工厂化生产中外植体选择、繁殖系数、生根与移栽以及生产中污染问题,提出在秋季采摘的2年生苦丁茶实生苗上的幼嫩茎段作外植体,获无菌材料的得率最高。继代增殖的适宜配方为MS+6BA1.0mg/L~4.0mg/L+蔗糖3%~4%+琼脂0.3%,增殖倍数可达2.72~3.0,生产周期1.5~2个月。基内诱导生根后经蛭石假植再移栽,成活率达90%以上;无根苗直接下土移栽,相对成活率约75%,认为严格遵守无菌操作规程,是防止苦丁茶组培苗生产中出现大量污染的有效举措。
关键词:  苦丁茶  组织培养  工厂化生产
Several Questions of Factorial Production on Tissue Culture of Ilex kudingcha
Li Haiying, Wang Guiwen, Zhou Xin, Fan Jiaye
(Institute of Biology, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, 530003)
Dealed with several determinative questions such as how to select stem explants, pick up subculture speed, induct root formation and prevent from pollution of the factorial production of the tissue culture of Ilex kudingcha. The survival rate could be the highest by using some moderate tender shoots of the two-year-old seedlings of Ilex kudingcha as the explants for the tissue culture. The favourable subculture medium was:MS+l.0~4.0 mg. L-1 6 BA+3%~4% sugar+0.3% agar with a multiplication rate up to 2.72~3.0 times every 1.5~2.0 months. The root-free plants were inducted root formation, then the root plants were heeled in vermicvlite and transplanted to the field, the survival rate, which was above 90%, was higher than that of straight transplantation, which was about 75%. To strictly observe the aseptic manipulation was an effective measure for preventing from pollution in a large scale on the production of tissue culture of Ilex kudingcha.
Key words:  Ilex kudingcha  tissue culture  factorial production

