  • 陈成英,廖思明.涠洲岛和斜阳岛附近海域浮游植物初步调查[J].广西科学院学报,1998,(4):8-11.    [点击复制]
  • Chen Chengying,Liao Siming.Preliminary Investigation of Phytoplanktons in the Seas Near Weizhou and Xieyang Islands[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1998,(4):8-11.   [点击复制]
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陈成英, 廖思明
(广西海洋研究所, 北海 536000)
用站位采样方法,分别于1990年4月(春季)和10~11月(秋季)对涠洲、斜阳两岛附近海域进行浮游植物调查,研究其种类组成和数量分布,结果共鉴定浮游植物96种,其中,硅藻31属88种,甲藻4属8种。出现种类较多的属有硅藻类的角刺藻属24种,根管藻属9种,辐杆藻属5种和菱形藻属4种。春季共出现57种,主要以细弱海链藻[Thalasiosira subtilis(Ostf) Gran]为主,其数量占总量的63.1%;秋季出现79种,优势种不明显;两次取样的平均细胞总数量为710×104个/米3,春季平均细胞数量640×104个/米3,略低于秋季的780×104个/米3。浮游植物多分布在两岛附近的水域,随着水深增加数量逐渐减少。浮游植物主要种季节交替明显。
关键词:  浮游植物  种类组成  数量分布
Preliminary Investigation of Phytoplanktons in the Seas Near Weizhou and Xieyang Islands
Chen Chengying, Liao Siming
(Guangxi Institute of Oceanograhy, Beihai, 536000)
By station sampling in the seas near the Weizhou and Xieyang islands in April (spring) and from October to November (autumn),1990, investigation of phytoplanktons were undertook and the constitution and quantity distribution of phytoplankton species were studied.Altogether, 96 species of phytoplanktons were identified,of which,diatom 31 genera 88 species, pyrrophyta 4 genera 8 species. The genera with more species discovered were Chaetoceros, 24 species,Rhizosolenia, 9 species,Bacteriastrum, 5 species and Nitzschia, 4 species,which belonged to diatom.In spring,there were 57 species of phytoplanktons.Among these,Thalassiosira subtilis (Ostf) Gran took the predominant station taking up 63.1% of the total.In autumn,there were 79 species and the predominant species were not obvious.The mean total numbers of phytoplanktons of the two times samples were 710×104 cells/m3,and the mean numbers in spring were 640×104 cells/m3,which slightly less than the ones in autumn, 780×104 cells/m3.Most of the phytoplanktons spread in the seawater near the two islands,and the numbers of them reduced gradually with the water depth increase.The main species alternated obviously with seasons.
Key words:  phytoplankton  species constitution  quantity distribution

