  • D. A. Jones,周浩郎.人工饲料和活饵喂养的印度对虾(Penaeus indicus)幼体的存活与生长[J].广西科学院学报,1999,(3):97-102.    [点击复制]
  • D. A. Jones,Zhou Haolang.The Survival and Growth of Penaeus indicus Larvae Fed on Artificial and Live Foods[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1999,(3):97-102.   [点击复制]
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人工饲料和活饵喂养的印度对虾(Penaeus indicus)幼体的存活与生长
D. A. Jones1, 周浩郎2
(1.广西海洋研究所, 北海 536000;2.英国北威尔士(班戈尔)大学海洋系)
关键词:  印度对虾  幼体  人工饲料  活饵  存活  生长
The Survival and Growth of Penaeus indicus Larvae Fed on Artificial and Live Foods
D. A. Jones1, Zhou Haolang2
(1.Guangxi Institute of Oceanography, Beihai, 536000;2.School of Ocean Sciences, Univ. of North Wales(Bangor), U.K.)
P.indicus larvae rearing trial was conducted by using artificial foods:CAR,ARA,ARA2,DHA,CD and live foods:Spirulina powder, Skeletonema costatum,Tetraselmis chuii in the seawater from lab water supply system and the sea.The larvae on live foods could acquire a survival of 55% in seawater from lab water supply system and a survival of 71.67% in seawater from the sea,and larvae metamorphosis from PZ1 to PL1 covered 9 days.When fed with artificial foods,the larvae reared in seawater from lab water supply system died in the second day,however,the larvae in seawater from the sea could survive from PZ1 to PL1 at a duration of 13 days with an average survival from 5.67% to 39.00%.The results showed that seawater had some impacts on the survival of P indicus fed on artificial foods,and microalgae were helpful to the larvae for their coping with different sorts of rearing seawater.
Key words:  Penaeus indicus  larvae  artificial foods  live foods  survival  growth

