  • 文国艺,阳年生,Chris. Polge.受精滴中精子不同平衡时间对牛卵母细胞体外受精的影响[J].广西科学院学报,1999,(4):154-156.    [点击复制]
  • Wen Guoyi,Yang Niansheng,Chris. Polge.Effect of Sperm Equilibrated with Different Time in Fertilization Drop on Cleavage Rate of Bovine Oocytes and Their Subsequent Development[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1999,(4):154-156.   [点击复制]
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文国艺1, 阳年生1, Chris. Polge2
(1.广西大学动物繁殖研究所, 南宁 530005;2.英国剑桥大学生物技术中心, 英国)
为寻找精子在受精滴中的最佳平衡时间,以加入精子时间为0 h(对照组),分别在0h,0.5 h,1 h,2 h,4 h随机加入等数卵母细胞到各受精滴,结果显示:0 h,0.5 h组卵裂率较高,分别为87.7%、84.7%,与其他组相比差异显著(P<0.01);0.5h组的囊胚率最高,为67.5%,与对照组的57.7%比较差异显著(P<0.01)。结果表明,受精滴中精子经过0.5h平衡后,弱精及死精粘聚沉淀,余下活力强的健壮精子,此时加入牛卵母细胞受精,可获得较高卵裂率及囊胚率。
关键词:  牛卵母细胞  体外受精  受精滴  平衡时间  卵裂率  囊胚率
Effect of Sperm Equilibrated with Different Time in Fertilization Drop on Cleavage Rate of Bovine Oocytes and Their Subsequent Development
Wen Guoyi1, Yang Niansheng1, Chris. Polge2
(1.Institute of Animal Reproduction, Guangxi, Univ., Nanning, 530005;2.Animal Biotechnology Center, 307 Huntington Road, Cambridge, UK)
For investigating the best equilibrated time of sperm in fertilization drop(FD), 0 h is the time for control group when semen was put into FD. At time 0 h, 0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, the same number oocytes were randomly joined in each FD. The results showed:0 h,0.5 h groups took the highest cleavage rate(CR) which were 87.7%、84.7% respectively, comparing with the other groups, the difference is significant(P< 0.01); 0.5 h group had the highest blastocyst rate(BR)(67.5%), the difference is significant (P< 0.01) comparing with control group(57.7%).After sperm equilibrated half an hour in FD,dead sperm and weak ones got together and went down later, the remained strong sperm had more chance to penetrated oocytes.The high CR and BR could be achived in this way, and more and high quality embryos could be produced
Key words:  bovine oocytes  in vitro fertilization  fertilization drop  equilibrated time  cleavage rate  blastocyst rate

