  • 周浩郎.高密度养殖条件下土池中日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus Bate)体长的生长[J].广西科学院学报,2001,(2):91-95.    [点击复制]
  • Zhou Haolang.Growth of Intensive Farmed Kuruma Shrimp (Penaeus japonicus Bate) in Earthen Ponds[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2001,(2):91-95.   [点击复制]
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高密度养殖条件下土池中日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus Bate)体长的生长
(广西海洋研究所, 北海 536000)
为了探讨在土池中高密度养殖日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus Bate)的可能性,于1997年8月28日至1998年1月4日在广西沿海土池中进行秋冬季日本对虾养殖试验。试验共设5口虾塘,每口池塘面积0.667hm2,底质酸性砂质,池水深可达1.8m。养殖水靠水泵抽取,沿进水渠道引入虾塘。1号~5号虾塘的养殖密度分别为62.4万尾/公顷、96.0万尾/公顷、96.0万尾/公顷、88.8万尾/公顷、96.8万尾/公顷。结果表明,在高密度的养殖条件下,日本对虾的生长速度随温度的下降和对虾个体的增大而减慢。与自然条件下生长的日本对虾相比较,高密度养殖试验中的日本对虾的生长缓慢得多。说明在类似的条件下进行的高密度日本对虾养殖,很难使日本对虾在常规养殖时间内达到较好的商品规格。
关键词:  日本对虾  高密度养殖  生长
Growth of Intensive Farmed Kuruma Shrimp (Penaeus japonicus Bate) in Earthen Ponds
Zhou Haolang
(Guangxi Institute of Oceanography, Beihai, 536000)
To study the possibility of intensive farming of Kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus Bate) in earthen pond,a trial was conducted from August 28,1997 to January 4,1998 at Guangxi coast during autumn and winter.The trial was carried out in five ponds of the same size (0.667 hm2) with acid sandy substrata, and the ponds can hold water up to 1.8 m high.The seawater,which was pumped from the sea, was introduced into the ponds through channels.The stocking densities from pond 1 to pond 5 were 624000 individuals/hm2,960000 individuals/hm2,960000 individuals/hm2,888000 individuals/hm2,968000 individuals/hm2 respectively.The results indicated that under intensive culture conditions,the growth rate of Kuruma shrimp reduced in accordance with the decrease of water temperature and increase of shrimp size. Compared with the Kuruma shrimp in natural sea, the Kuruma shrimp cultured in intensive ponds grew much slower. Consequently, it is quite difficult to grow Kuruma shrimp to commercial size under similar intensive farming conditions within regular farming time limit.
Key words:  Kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus)  intensive farming  growth

