  • 李永华,吴馥梅.珍珠贝肉提取液抗衰作用的动物实验[J].广西科学院学报,2002,(1):22-25.    [点击复制]
  • Li Yonghua,Wu Fumei.Animal Experiment of Pearl Oyster Extract on Anti-aging[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2002,(1):22-25.   [点击复制]
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李永华1, 吴馥梅2
(1.广西南珠研究开发中心, 钦州 535000;2.南京大学生物科学与技术系, 南京 210093)
在实验室检测马氏珍珠贝肉提取液对老龄小白鼠分辩学习及记忆保持能力的影响,并于行为实验结束后测定海马突触体内游离钙水平变化。小白鼠16~17月龄,体重(65±4)g,雌雄兼用,共30只,分为天然提取液组10只,强化提取液组(天然提取液+牛磺酸)10只,对照组(饮用普通清水)10只。平均每只小鼠每天服用量为5 ml,共服用40 d。珍珠贝肉天然提取液和牛磺酸强化提取液与对照组相比,都明显增强老龄鼠在Y-迷宫中的分辩学习能力和学习速度,减少训练次数(P<0.05);对记忆保持率的提高具有促进作用,尤其是牛磺酸强化提取液使记忆保持率大幅度提高(P<0.01)。天然提取液与强化提取液都一致降低鼠脑的海马突触体游离钙离子水平,提示这种提取液对衰老脑细胞的"钙超载"有拮抗效应.
关键词:  珍珠贝  肉提取液  钙离子  衰老  学习记忆  动物实验
Animal Experiment of Pearl Oyster Extract on Anti-aging
Li Yonghua1, Wu Fumei2
(1.Guangxi Nanzhu Research and Development Centre, Qinzhou, 535000;2.Department of Biological Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093)
The effect of the pearl oyster extract on both discrimination learning and memory maintenance of aging mice are examined in lab.The Ca2+ level in hippocampal synaptosomes of mice is tested after behavioral observation.Thirty mice of female and male aged 16~17 months are divided into three groups:A.Natural group (the pearl oyster extract),B.Reinforced group(Natural group plus taurine) and C.Control group(drinking water),ten mice for each group.Each mouse a day takes a dose of 5 ml for 40 days. The discrimination-learning ability and learning speed of the aging mice in Y-maze are markedly enhanced, and the training times obviously decreased in Groups A and B(P<0.05), as compared with the control group. The percentage of memory maintenance of the mice in Groups A and B increased, especially Group B(P<0.01).The Ca2+ level in hippocampal synaptosomes of the mice in Groups A and B obviously decreased, indicating that pearl oyster extract has antagonism to "Ca2+ overload" in brain cells.
Key words:  pearl oyster  extract  Ca2+  aging  learning-memory  animal experiment

