  • 黄付平,黎向东,周放,邓福英.广西防城港市万鹤山鹭林植物的初步研究[J].广西科学院学报,2002,(3):121-126.    [点击复制]
  • Huang Fuping,Li Xiangdong,Zhou Fang,Deng Fuying.Plants of Egrets-nested Forests in Wanheshan Mountain,Fangchenggang,Guangxi[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2002,(3):121-126.   [点击复制]
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黄付平1, 黎向东2, 周放3, 邓福英2
(1.广西防城金花茶国家级自然保护区管理处, 防城 538021;2.广西大学林学院, 南宁 530001;3.广西大学动物科学技术学院, 南宁 530003)
用样方调查结合实地逐株统计方法,调查广西防城港市万鹤山鹭林植物。结果表明,万鹤山鹭鸟几乎全部聚集在以许氏家族房屋为中心直径为800 m2左右的半圆范围内的次生林中,白鹭的营巢植物群落的乔木层主要是马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.),郁闭度0.6,下层以三叉苦(E.lepta(Spreng.) Merr.)占优势,灌木层盖度40%,与草本层成团状分布;营巢树共有12种,马尾松和三叉苦均为10巢/株,其余10种平均单株营巢数为2~8株。夜鹭的营巢植物群落为典型的马尾松-桃金娘-五节芒+铁芒萁群落,林分郁闭度0.7;营巢树仅为马尾松。鹭鸟不取食植物的任何部分,但在树桠建巢,常到树冠顶部了望和停留,挤压幼枝、损折干枝、破损树皮以及所排粪便覆盖和污损树叶等,影响鹭林植物群的演替、但不改变演潜方向,而且鹭林植物群落及周围森林无明显病虫害发生,建议建立自然保护区,有效保护近海水域及周围森林、宣传教育群众爱护鹭鸟。
关键词:    鹭林  植物群落
Plants of Egrets-nested Forests in Wanheshan Mountain,Fangchenggang,Guangxi
Huang Fuping1, Li Xiangdong2, Zhou Fang3, Deng Fuying2
(1.Supervisal Office of National Reserve of Yellow Camellia in Fangcheng of Guangxi, Fangcheng, 538021;2.Forestry College, Guangxi Univ. Nanning, 530001;3.College of Animal Sciences, Guangxi Univ. Nanning, 530003)
The egrets-nested forests in Mt.Wanheshan,Fengcheng,south Guangxi were investigated using sampling plots with one to one exam on the plot for the nested trees.Most egrets gathered in the secondary forests in the half-circle of 800 m diameter around Mr Xu's house.In the egrette-nested plant community, Pinus massoniana comprises arborous layer with cover degree of 0.6;E.lepta comprises low layer with cover degree of 0.4%, distributed in clusters with grass layer.There are 12 species of the egrets-nested trees,and 10 nests per tree for P.massoniana and E.lepta and one nest per tree for other 10 species. The plant community for Nyclicorax nyclicocax nesting is P.massoniana+Miscanthus floridulus+Dicranopteris linearis community with cover degree of 0.7,in which the key nested trees are P.massoniana.The egrets didn't use any parts of trees as food,and just nested on the branches and often rested on the top of canopy.The egrets's behave may press and break off branches,but hasn't affected the succession of the egrets-nested tree community. The diseases have not been found apparently inside and around the egrets-nested forests.
Key words:  egrets  egrets-nested trees  plant community

