  • 黄凯,黄玉玲,王武,卢洁,钟昌艳.海水和淡水养殖南美白对虾脂质分析与比较[J].广西科学院学报,2003,(3):134-140.    [点击复制]
  • Huang Kai,Huang Yuling,Wang Wu,Lu Jie,Zhong Changyan.Comparision and Analysis of Lipid of Penaeus vannamei Cultured in the Seawater and the Freshwater[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2003,(3):134-140.   [点击复制]
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黄凯1, 黄玉玲2, 王武3, 卢洁1, 钟昌艳1
(1.广西大学, 南宁 530004;2.广西水产研究所, 南宁 530021;3.上海水产大学, 上海 200090)
关键词:  南美白对虾  海水养殖  淡水养殖  脂肪  脂肪酸
Comparision and Analysis of Lipid of Penaeus vannamei Cultured in the Seawater and the Freshwater
Huang Kai1, Huang Yuling2, Wang Wu3, Lu Jie1, Zhong Changyan1
(1.Guangxi Univ., Nanning, 530004;2.Fisheries Research Institute of Guangxi, Nanning, 530021;3.Shanghai Fisheries Univ., Shanghai, 200090)
One gram of hepatopancreas and 2~3 gram of muscle were sampled from Penaeus vannamei which were respectively cultured in the seawater and the freshwater.The lipid was extracted by "Floch",and analyzed by gas chromatography.The results indicated that the lipid content in the muscle of the marine larvae is 3.93%,and 2.79% higher than that of the freshwater larvae.The lipid content of hepatopancreas of the marine larvae is 12.23%,and 12.98% lower than that of the freshwater larvae.The lipid content of the hepatopancreas of the males is higher than that of the females in the freshwater,but their lipid content in the muscle is lower than the females.Among the fatty acids found,most of them are unsaturated acids,and the polyunsaturated fatty acids are significantly more than monounsaturated ones(P <0.01).There is a significant differences of lipid contents in the muscle between the marine larvae and the freshwater larvae in C14:0,C18:2n6,C18:3n3,C22:5n3,and also significantly differences of lipid content in the hepatopancreas between them in C18:2n6,C18:3n3,C20:5n3 and EPA+DHA.Penaeus vannamei differs from Penaeus chinesis,Penaeus monodon and Penacus japonics in the content of fatty acids in C16:0,C18:0,C18:1n9,C18:2n6,C18:3n3 and C20:4n6.
Key words:  Penaeus vannamei  marine culture  freshwater culture  lipid  fatty acid

