  • 文祥凤,洪玲,黄志辉.昼间室内外温度和湿度特征比较[J].广西科学院学报,2004,(1):26-28,44.    [点击复制]
  • Wen Xiangfeng,Hong Ling,Huang Zhihui.Comparison of Characteristics of Temperature and Relative Humidity between Indoor and Outdoor at the Daytime[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2004,(1):26-28,44.   [点击复制]
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文祥凤, 洪玲, 黄志辉
(广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530001)
2000年9月至2001年9月在广西大学林学院校区内进行昼间室内外空气温度和相对湿度的定位观测。室内观测设在四层实验室楼内的三楼,室外观测设在四周无高大建筑物的空旷地块内。观察数据运用数理统计方法进行差异显著性检验,并进行相关分析,建立昼间室内外气温和相对湿度的预测的回归方程。结果表明:昼间室内平均气温比室外低0.2℃,晴天和夏季昼间室内平均气温低于室外,阴雨天和冬季昼间室内平均气温高于室外。昼间室内平均相对湿度高于室外5%,晴天昼间室内平均相对湿度高于室外,阴雨天昼间室内平均相对湿度低于室外,四季昼间室内外相对湿度差异不显著(t=-1.9475~-0.7741<t0.05=1.96)。昼间室内外平均气温的回归方程为Yt=0.699Xt+7.0919,平均相对湿度的回归方程为Yu=1865.733-99.8631Xu+2.0304Xu2-0.0179Xu3+5.82 E-0.5 Xu4
关键词:  空气温度  相对湿度  室内  室外
Comparison of Characteristics of Temperature and Relative Humidity between Indoor and Outdoor at the Daytime
Wen Xiangfeng, Hong Ling, Huang Zhihui
(Forestry College, Guangxi Univ., Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
The daytime temperature and relative humidity of outdoor and indoor were monitored on the spot in the campus of Forestry College of Guangxi Univ.from Spt.2000 to Spt.2001.The indoor observation was located in the third floor of a four-floor lab building,and the outdoor observation was in a clear field.The recorded data are analyzed by statistics.The average indoor temperature at the daytime is 0.2℃ lower than the outdoor.The average indoor temperatures at the daytime are lower than the outdoor in the fine days and summer time,but higher than the outdoor in the cloudy and raining days and winter time.The average indoor relative humidity is higher than the outdoor at the daytime in the fine days,but lower than the outdoor in the cloudy and raining days. There is no significant difference of relative humidity between outdoor and indoor at the daytime in the four seasons.(t=-1.9475~-0.7741<t0.05=1.96)。The regression equation of in door and outdoor average temperatures at the daytime is Yt=0.699Xt+7.0919,and the regression equation of indoor and outdoor average relative humidity is Yu=1865.733-99.8631Xu+2.0304Xu2-0.0179Xu3+5.82E-0.5Xu4
Key words:  air temperature  relative humidity  indoor  outdoor

