  • 杨振德,朱麟,赵博光,方杰.实验室群体饲养条件下分月扇舟蛾生物学特性初步研究[J].广西科学院学报,2004,(1):35-37.    [点击复制]
  • Yang Zhende,Zhu Lin,Zhao Boguang,Fang Jie.Observation of Biological Characteristics of Clostera anastomosis L.Mass in Laboratory[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2004,(1):35-37.   [点击复制]
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杨振德1,2, 朱麟1, 赵博光1, 方杰1
(1.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏南京 210037;2.广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530001)
恒温条件下(28±0.5℃,12h光照)在南京林业大学实验室内群体饲养研究下,分月扇舟蛾(Clostera anastomosis L.)的生物学特性,并与文献记录的自然条件下分月扇舟蛾的生物特性比较。结果表明,分月扇舟蛾成虫体长为♂ 10~13mm,♀ 12~15 mm,老熟幼虫体长25~32 mm,均小于自然种群中的个体。幼虫每隔2~3d蜕皮1次,共蜕皮4次,幼虫历期11d,蛹期4d。蛹重平均为148.4mg。成虫羽化过程需20~25min,羽化历期4~12d。成虫羽化数小时后即可交尾,交尾时间长达8~23h,可多次交尾。交尾后数小时即可产卵,每雌产卵量为230~530粒,平均312粒。卵从第6 d开始孵化,孵化率可达90%以上。世代周期为22d。实验室饲养条件下分月扇舟蛾的生物学特性与自然条件下有较大的差异。
关键词:  分月扇舟蛾  生物学特性  行为  群体饲养
Observation of Biological Characteristics of Clostera anastomosis L.Mass in Laboratory
Yang Zhende1,2, Zhu Lin1, Zhao Boguang1, Fang Jie1
(1.College of Forest Resour. & Environ., Nanjing Forestry Univ., Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210037, China;2.College of Forestry, Guangxi Univ., Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
Clostera anastomosis L.were reared in groups in the chamber in the conditions of (28±0.5)℃ and light:dark 12:12 h.Their biological characteristics were recorded,and compared with those recorded in the field reported in the relevant references.The results showed that of the old larvae (25~32 mm) and adults (♂10~13 mm,♀12~15 mm) in lab were smaller than those in the field in body size.The larvae molted four times all together with each interval of 2 to 3 days.The duration of larvae and pupae were 11 days and 4 days,respectively.The mean weight of pupae was 148.4 mg.The duration of emergence of adults was 4 to 12 days,and each emergence lasted for 20 to 25 min.Several hours after emergence,adults could copulate and keep for 8 to 23 h,and some of them could copulate more than once.The females laid 230 to 530 eggs with 312 eggs on average per female.The hatching of eggs came out at the 6th day and the hatchability was over 90%.In the chamber,one generation cycle was 22 days.It is revealed that the biological characteristics of Clostera anastomosis L.in lab and in the field are so different.
Key words:  Clostera anastomosis L.  biological characteristics  behavior  rearing in groups

