  • 邓朝亮,刘敬合,黎广钊,梁文.钦州湾海岸地貌类型及其开发利用自然条件评价[J].广西科学院学报,2004,(3):174-178.    [点击复制]
  • Deng Chaoliang,Liu Jinghe,Li Guangzhao,Liang Wen.Geomorphological Types in the Coast of the Qinzhou Bay and Their Assessment in Natural Conditions[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2004,(3):174-178.   [点击复制]
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邓朝亮, 刘敬合, 黎广钊, 梁文
(广西红树林研究中心, 广西北海 536000)
关键词:  海岸  地貌类型  自然条件  评价
Geomorphological Types in the Coast of the Qinzhou Bay and Their Assessment in Natural Conditions
Deng Chaoliang, Liu Jinghe, Li Guangzhao, Liang Wen
(Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
The natural conditions in the coastal areas of Qinzhou Bay are assessed for economic development based on the analysis of geomorphological types of the Qinzhou Bay. The harbour,tourism and aquiculture can be developed along the bay according to the situation of defferent parts of the Qinzhou Bay.The central part of the Qinzhou Bay should become a center of the bay with functions of passenger transport,freight,storage,fisherys,marine product processing and tourism. The inside bay of the Qinzhou Bay can become the area of freight,aquiculture and marine product processing and the special protect area of mangroves,wetland marsh,peony culture. The inland part of the Qinzhou Bay from Dahuan to Malan can become a tourism area with sand band and dense forest belt Some advices on the development of the Qinzhou Bay are listed as follows strictly control the items of enclosed seabeaches and fill seabeaches for safeguard of channels,develop aquiculture in the natural beaches and meanwhile strengthen and develop the traditional aquiculture of enclosed seabeaches, pay more attention to the exchange rate of water and self purification abillityto minimize the negative effect of construction of ports and coastal areas on marine organism and aquiculture.
Key words:  coast  geomorphological types  natural conditions  assessment

