  • 胡宝清,曹少英,江洁丽,方业星.广西喀斯特地区可持续发展能力评价及地域分异规律[J].广西科学院学报,2006,22(1):39-43.    [点击复制]
  • HU Bao-qing,CAO Shao-ying,JIANG Jie-li,FANG Ye-xing.Sustainable Development Capacity and Regional Differentiation of Economy in Guangxi Karst Region[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2006,22(1):39-43.   [点击复制]
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胡宝清, 曹少英, 江洁丽, 方业星
(广西师范学院资源与环境科学学院, 广西南宁 53000)
关键词:  发展能力  地域分异  指标体系  喀斯特
Sustainable Development Capacity and Regional Differentiation of Economy in Guangxi Karst Region
HU Bao-qing, CAO Shao-ying, JIANG Jie-li, FANG Ye-xing
(Faculty of Resource and Environmental Science, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
The hierarchy model and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of multi-level/objectives are used to set up an index system of sustainable development capacity(SDC) according to the distribution of natural environment and social economy development condition in the karst region of Guangxi.The index system contains 46 single indexes of economy,ecology and environment.Fifty cities in Guangxi karst region are used in the g research.The results indicate that the SDCs are very different in most of cities in Guangxi karst region.The synthetically sustainable development capacity is not strong.There are only 5 citiesincluding Hechi,Nandan,Yizhou,Guilin and Wumin over 11 points,and 32 cities below 9 points,9 cities in the points of 5.00 to 3.93.These nine cities are Lingyun,Tiandeng,Longlin,Du'an,Napo,Mashan,Donglan,Leye,Fengshan,and have the weakest economy sustainable development capacity in Guangxi karst region.The regional differention of sustainable development capacity in Guangxi karst region is directly connected with the economical growth capacity directy in a certain extent.The economical capacities of the middle and eastern areas are more better than the west,and the ones of the areas along the rivers are better than the others.The areas which have the similar sustainable development capacity are centralized in distribution.
Key words:  development capacity  regional differention  index system  karst

