  • 黎建玲,黄肇宇,詹源庆,蒋波.金钗石斛试管苗生根研究[J].广西科学院学报,2006,22(2):87-89.    [点击复制]
  • LI Jian-ling,HUANG Zhao-yu,ZHAN Yuan-qing,JIANG Bo.Study on Radication of the Test-Tube Seedling of Dendrobium nobile[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2006,22(2):87-89.   [点击复制]
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黎建玲, 黄肇宇, 詹源庆, 蒋波
(玉林师范学院化学与生物系, 广西玉林 537000)
在基本培养基MS上分别添加不同浓度和配比的α-奈乙酸(NAA)和6-苄氨基嘌呤(6-BA)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)和6-BA,不同浓度的多效唑(PP333);在MS+6-BA 0.2mg·L-1+NAA 1.0mg·L-1+活性炭0.1%培养基上分别添加10%的香蕉汁、马铃薯汁、椰子汁、番茄汁和胡萝卜汁5种天然成分对金钗石斛(Dendrobium nobile)试管苗进行生根研究。结果表明:NAA和IBA分别与6-BA配合使用均能抑制试管苗根的分化及生长,但单独使用对促进试管苗根的分化及生长有显著的效果,NAA的浓度为0.5~1.0 mg·L-1时,试管苗生根效果较佳,当IBA浓度为0.2mg·L-1时,试管苗生根率达100%,且根数多而粗壮,NAA和IBA均可单独作为促进金钗石斛试管苗生根培养的理想的植物激素;PP3332~4 mg·L-1可促进再生植株根的形成,但抑制根的伸长生长,建议与其他激素配合使用;5种天然成分均对试管苗根的分化、长度和粗壮度有明显的促进作用,其中附加10%香蕉汁对试管苗的生根效果最好。
关键词:  金钗石斛  试管苗  生根
Study on Radication of the Test-Tube Seedling of Dendrobium nobile
LI Jian-ling, HUANG Zhao-yu, ZHAN Yuan-qing, JIANG Bo
(Department of Chemistry and Biology, Yulin Normal University, Yulin, Guangxi, 537000, China)
We had researched the radication of the test-tube seedling of Dendrobium nobile through adding different concentration and proportion of combination of NAA and 6-BA,IBA and 6-BA,as well different concentration of PP333 into the basic culture medium of MS and through adding 10% banana juice,potato juice,coconut juice,tomato juice and carrot juice respectively into the culture medium of MS+6-BA 0.2 mg·L-1+NAA 1.0 mg·L-1+active carbon 0.1 percent.Results:the mixture of 6-BA had mixed with NAA and IBA respectively could restrain the differentiation and growth of the test-tube seedling's root,but by using NAA and IBA singly, they had took remarkable effect on accelerating the differentiation and growth of the test-tube seedling's root.When the concentration of NAA had reached 0.5~1.0 mg·L-1 it was an advantage for test-tube seedling radication.When the concentration of IBA was 0.2 mg·L-1,the rate of radication of the test-tube seedling was 100 percent,and the amount of the roots was very much and the roots of the test-tube seedling were stronger.In addition,NAA and IBA both were fine hormone for accelerating the radication of the test-tube seedling.PP333 2~4 mg·L-1 promoted the development of regenerated plant root,but the root length growing was restrained,we proposed that it should associate with the other hormone;Five kinds of natural composition could remarkably accelerate the differentiation,the length and the strong of the test-tube seedling's root;adding in 10% banana juice had the best effect than others.
Key words:  Dendrobium nobile  test-tube seedling  radication

