  • 吕永霞,吕永成,聂丽.长三角城市经济发展的模糊聚类分析[J].广西科学院学报,2006,22(3):167-170.    [点击复制]
  • Lü Yong-xia,Lü Yong-cheng,NIE Li.Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of the City Economic Development in Yangtze Delta[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2006,22(3):167-170.   [点击复制]
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吕永霞1,2, 吕永成2, 聂丽2
(1.郑州大学升达经贸管理学院, 河南郑州 451191;2.广西大学信息与系统工程研究所, 广西南宁 530005)
关键词:  长江三角洲  城市经济  模糊聚类分析  MATLAB
Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of the City Economic Development in Yangtze Delta
Lü Yong-xia1,2, Lü Yong-cheng2, NIE Li2
(1.Shengda Economics, Trade and Management College of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, 451191, China;2.Information Systems Engineering Institute, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
Fifteen cities in the Yangtze Delta are analyzed using fuzzy clustering analysis in the platform of MATLAB for reviewing the regional development of economy.The related data of 2001 were collected.The indexes consist of land area,year-end population,gross domestic product,fiscal revenues,per capita GDP,proportion of primary,secondary and tertiary industries to GDP,capital cost of the fixed assets,volume of export,real foreign capital utilized,total volume of retail sales of social consumer goods,per capita net income of farmers and per capita disposable income of urban residents.These 15 cities are divided into three zones in comprehensive strength.The first zone includes Shanghai,Suzhou,Hangzhou,Wuxi,Ningbo and NanJing.The second zone comprises Changzhou,Jiaxing,Zhenjiang and Shaoxing.The third zone involves Yangzhou,Nantong,Taizhou,Huzhou and Zhoushan.Some advices are suggested as follows.Strengthen intercity cooperation to improve the comprehensive strength of the third industry and promote development by integration.Transform the traditional industry to improve the unbalance development of economy in different areas.Accelerate the development of the tertiary industry and increase incomes of urban and rural residents.
Key words:  the Yangtze Delta  city economy  fuzzy clustering analysis  MATLAB

