  • 覃燕城,石亮成,付建华,朱桂芳,杨存刚.重瓣扶桑的引种栽培研究[J].广西科学院学报,2006,22(3):174-177.    [点击复制]
  • QIN Yan-cheng,SHI Liang-cheng,FU Jian-hua,ZHU Gui-fang,YANG Cun-gang.Introduction and Cultivation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var.rubro-plenus[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2006,22(3):174-177.   [点击复制]
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覃燕城, 石亮成, 付建华, 朱桂芳, 杨存刚
(广西柳州市园林科学研究所, 广西柳州 545005)
2002年首次从广东引种重瓣扶桑(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. rubro-plenus)到广西柳州市园林科学研究所,观察重瓣扶桑的物候,测定其生长量和花径,并进行不同月份、不同基质、不同处理扦插繁殖和高空压条繁殖试验,2004年还分别在柳州市龙潭公园、帽合公园和江滨公园进行不同地点栽培试验。结果表明,重瓣扶桑年净高生长量平均可达92.1 cm,最大年净高生长138.0 cm;茎粗生长量平均达到1.08 cm,最大达到1.66cm;2003~2005年,平均花径由7.9 cm增大到8.7 cm。不同月份扦插以5月份最佳,不同基质扦插以全沙和珍珠岩为最佳,不同处理扦插以200~300 ppm萘乙酸和吲哚丁酸为佳,3种最佳扦插试验条件下的生根率均达到97.5%。高空压条繁殖生根率为98.2%,为繁殖试验中生根率最高。不同地点的栽培成活率达100%,生长开花正常,能自然过冬,说明重瓣扶桑能够适应柳州市的自然环境条件,可以大面积种植推广。
关键词:  重瓣扶桑  引种  栽培  繁殖方法
Introduction and Cultivation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var.rubro-plenus
QIN Yan-cheng, SHI Liang-cheng, FU Jian-hua, ZHU Gui-fang, YANG Cun-gang
(Guangxi Liuzhou Institute of Landscape Garden, Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545005, China)
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var.rubro-plenus was introduced from Guangdong in 2002,and planted in Liuzhou Institute of Landscape Garden.The biological characteristics,growth of individuals and diameter of flowers were observed and recorded.The reproduction experiments of cuts and upper air layering were carried out.The different medium beds,time and hormones with different levels were involved in the trial.The cultivation experiments were extend to Longtan Park,Maohe Park and Jiangbin Park in Liuzhou in 2004.The results are as follows.H.rosa-sinensis var.rubro-plenus achieved 92.1 cm high in average annually and up to the maximal high growth of 138.0 cm.The stem had 1.08 cm annual wide growth in average,up to 1.66 cm of maximum width.The flowers grew up to 8.7 cm from 7.9 cm in diameter on average in the years of 2003 to 2005.May is the best month to cut propagation.The favoured medium beds are full sands and perlites.The hormones of naphthylacetic acid and indole butyric acid had the best results at 200 to 300 ppm.The rooting rate was 97.5% for cut propagation under above conditions,and 98.2% for the upper air layering.This plant had a 100% survival rate,and could go through winter time naturally.It reveals that this plant can normally grow in the environment of Liuzhou.
Key words:  Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var.rubro-plenus  introduction  cultivation  reproduction method

