  • 马焕春,白少元,解庆林.城市污水处理厂协同沉淀除磷与后续混凝除磷对比实验研究[J].广西科学院学报,2008,24(1):11-15.    [点击复制]
  • MA Huan-chun,BAI Shao-yuan,XIE Qing-lin.Comparative Study on Synergism Sedimentation and Subsequent Coagulating Sedimentation Phosphorus Removal[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2008,24(1):11-15.   [点击复制]
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马焕春1, 白少元2, 解庆林2
(1.重庆水利电力职业技术学院, 重庆 402160;2.桂林工学院资源与环境工程系, 广西桂林 541004)
关键词:  污水  除磷  协同沉淀  混凝沉淀  混凝剂
Comparative Study on Synergism Sedimentation and Subsequent Coagulating Sedimentation Phosphorus Removal
MA Huan-chun1, BAI Shao-yuan2, XIE Qing-lin2
(1.Chongqing College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering, Chongqing, 402160, China;2.Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
In this paper, effluent of oxidation channel and secondary sedimentation tank are treated by coagulation sedimentation method with four kinds of coagulant agents, i.e., FeCl3, Potash Alum, Al2 (SO4)3 and polyaluminum chloride (PAC), respectively.The coagulant dosage range of synergism sedimentation experiment is from 0 to 40mg/L, and the pH is between 2.36 and 10.09. The coagulant dosage range of subsequent coagulating sedimentation experiment is between 0 and 100mg/L and the pH is between 2.31 and 10.07. The result shows that the suitable four kinds of coagulant dosages of PAC, Potash Alum, FeCl3, Al2(SO4)3 are 15mg/L,20mg/L,30mg/L,25mg/L, and the pH scope are 6.79~8.32,5.82~8.32, 6.79~6.92, 6.79~6.92, respectively. The suitable four kinds of coagulant dosages in subsequent coagulating sedimentation experiment are 30mg/L, 70mg/L, 50mg/L, 40mg/L, and the pH scope are 5.92~10.07, 6.92~8.08, 6.92~10.07, 6.92~8.08, respectively. PAC is better than the other three kinds of coagulant agent due to its small dosage and high efficiency. Furthermore, the coagulant dosage of subsequent coagulating experiment is about 1.6 to 3.5 times as what is in the synergism sedimentation experiment. So PAC and synergism sedimentation method is suitable to be used for phosphorus removal in neutral condition.
Key words:  sewage  phosphorus removal  synergism sedimentation  coagulating sedimentation  coagulant agent

