  • 农卓恩,陈军,翁鸣,何祖友.环境库茨涅茨曲线形成机制的计算机仿真实验[J].广西科学院学报,2008,24(2):110-113.    [点击复制]
  • NONG Zhuo-en,CHEN Jun,WENG Ming,HE Zu-you.A Computer Simulation on the Formation Mechanism of Environmental Kuznets Curve[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2008,24(2):110-113.   [点击复制]
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农卓恩, 陈军, 翁鸣, 何祖友
(广西财经学院, 广西南宁 530003)
关键词:  环境  经济  仿真  STARLOGO  环境库茨涅茨曲线
A Computer Simulation on the Formation Mechanism of Environmental Kuznets Curve
NONG Zhuo-en, CHEN Jun, WENG Ming, HE Zu-you
(Guangxi University of Finace and Economics, Nanning, Guangxi, 530003, China)
A social simulation model by the platform called STARLOGO by using the computer simulation technology was established. Then, this platform was used to study the simulation research about the formation mechanism of Environmental Kuznets Curve between economic growth and environmental pollution. The results showed that, the time and peak height of the EKC turning point are related with the revenue needs of the initial value of the environment. If initial value of the revenue environment needs is relatively low, then the rate of per capita output growth will be low, and EKC turning point will appear relatively late,the peak height of turning point will be relatively low as well.On the contrary,if the initial value of the environment needs is high, then the rate of per capita output growth will be high, and the EKC turning point showed earlier, the peak height of turning point will be relatively higher as well. Therefore, it suggests people that in the early stages of economic development, appropriate economic policies should be established to reduce environmental damage.
Key words:  environment  economic  simulation  STARLOGO  Environmental Kuznets Curve

