  • 石孟春,和太平,招礼军.南宁市城市园林绿地系统植物多样性调查分析[J].广西科学院学报,2008,24(2):130-133,137.    [点击复制]
  • SHI Meng-chun,HE Tai-ping,ZHAO Li-jun.Investigation and Analysis on Plant Diversity of Urban Greenland System in Nanning[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2008,24(2):130-133,137.   [点击复制]
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石孟春, 和太平, 招礼军
(广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530005)
采用典型样地调查方法,对南宁市快速环道内建成区中的动物园、人民公园、新民立交桥绿化地、滨江休闲公园、翠湖新城等12个地点的公园绿地和附属绿地进行调查,比较分析两种园林绿地中乔木层、灌木层和草本层的物种组成、物种丰富度指数、优势度指数、Shannon-Weiner多样性指数和均匀度指数。结果显示,南宁市各园林绿地系统的植物应用有较大差异,应用较多的(出现频率> 10%)的植物种类有9种;绿地植物种类最多的新民立交桥绿地种有15种,最少的平均仅有3种(中华路),多数样地中物种丰富度分布的垂直结构顺序是灌木层>乔木层≥草本层;乔木层和灌木层的Shannon-Weiner多样性指数变化范围是0.330~1.562,草本层的Shannon-Weiner多样性指数均小于1;乔木层的优势度指数值为0.082~0.52,有8个地点的灌木层优势度指数值> 1,草本层的优势度指数值以新民立交桥为最高(1.801);乔木层的均匀度指数以翠湖新城最高(0.840),南湖广场最低(0.364),灌木层的均匀度指数以广西大学最高(1.016),其他地点为0.309~0.596;草本层的均匀度指数以滨江休闲公园(0.574)和朝阳广场(0.535)最大。在所有调查点中,新民立交桥、民族大道、翠湖新城的物种丰富度、优势度、多样性、均匀度指数均较高,其他多数园林绿地树种单调,结构简单,物种多样性低。
关键词:  植物多样性  园林绿地  指数
Investigation and Analysis on Plant Diversity of Urban Greenland System in Nanning
SHI Meng-chun, HE Tai-ping, ZHAO Li-jun
(Forestry College of Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530005, China)
The Park Greenland and the accessory Greenland of 12 sites in urban districts of Nanning including Zoo, Renmin Park, Xinmin Overpass, Binjiang relax Park, Cuihu Residence and et al., were investigated as typical sample plots. The plant species composition, richness index, dominance index, Shannon-Weiner index and evenness index in arbor, shrub and herb layers in these area were analyzed. The results showed that there are huge differences of plant species components in urban Greenland system and 9 plants species had been repetitiously used (the frequency >10%).There are 15 plant species in Xinmin Overpass, whereas there are only 3 plant species in Zhonghua Road. The sequence of species richness on vertical structure in most of investigated sites as follows:shrub layers > arbor layers ≥ herb layers. The Shannon-Weiner index of arbor and shrub layers was 0.330~1.562. However, the Shannon-Weiner index of herb layer was lower than 1. The dominance index of arbor layer was 0.082~0.52. The dominance index of shrub layer higher than 1 in 8 investigated sites and the highest dominance index of herb layer was 1.801, which in Xinmin Overpass. The highest evenness index of arbor layer was 0.840 in Cuihu Residence and the lowest one was in Nanhu Square (0.364). The highest evenness index of shrub layer was in Guangxi University (1.016) and in the other investigated sites was 0.309~0.535. The highest evenness index of herb layer was in Binjiang relax Park (0.574) and Chaoyang Square (0.535). The richness, dominance, diversity and evenness index in Xinmin overpass, Minzu Avenue and Cuihu residence is higher than other sites.
Key words:  plant diversity  greenland  index

