  • 黎小正,吴祥庆,庞燕飞,秦振发,杨姝丽,吴明媛,兰柳春.广西主要海水贝类养殖区环境质量状况评价[J].广西科学院学报,2009,25(2):111-115.    [点击复制]
  • LI Xiao-zheng,WU Xiang-qing,PANG Yan-fei,QIN Zhen-fa,YANG Shu-li,WU Ming-yuan,LAN Liu-chun.Comprehensive Assessment Environment Quality of Shellfish Culture Areas of Guangxi Coastal Waters[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2009,25(2):111-115.   [点击复制]
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黎小正, 吴祥庆, 庞燕飞, 秦振发, 杨姝丽, 吴明媛, 兰柳春
(广西水产研究所, 广西南宁 530021)
关键词:  贝类  养殖  海水  环境评价
Comprehensive Assessment Environment Quality of Shellfish Culture Areas of Guangxi Coastal Waters
LI Xiao-zheng, WU Xiang-qing, PANG Yan-fei, QIN Zhen-fa, YANG Shu-li, WU Ming-yuan, LAN Liu-chun
(Fishery Research Institute of Guangxi, Nanning, Guangxi, 530021, China)
According to the investigation and monitoring results of the Crassostrea rivularis natural culture areas in Qinzhou and shellfish (clams) culture areas in Lianzhou Bay of Hepu in 2006~2007,a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of major seawater shellfish aquaculture areas environmental quality in Guangxi were obtained.In monitoring and evaluation of environmental quality factors,the majority of indicators for monitoring seawater quality standards in the major seawater shellfish culture zones met the fisheries and seawater quality standards (Ⅱ type).The general quality of environment is good and suitable for the development of shellfish aquaculture.The major pollutants in main seawater shellfish culture areas are inorganic nitrogen, reactive phosphate and heavy metals in sediment such as copper,zinc,arsenic,etc.These monitoring indicators in part of shellfish culture zones was over standards.In Crassostrea rivularis natural culture areas in Qinzhou in 2007 the average content of inorganic nitrogen was 0.40mg/L that is 0.34 times of that in standards.The highest value of Cu was 0.11 times of that in standards (39mg/kg) and the highest value of zinc over 2.16 times of that in standards(474mg/kg) Data from the East Jiang monitoring points of Hepu Lianzhou Bay shellfish aquaculture in 2007 showed that the inorganic nitrogen was 0.380 mg/L and reactive phosphate was 0.0362 mg/L.The inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphate were slightly over that in the standards but significantly lower than in 2006.The monitoring points of Dang river in 2007 reported that arsenic concentration is 39.11 mg/kg that is 0.96 times of that in the standards.However,the arsenic concentration over standard is due to pollution either from outside of culture area or environment background,rather than shellfish aquaculture.
Key words:  shellfish  culture  seawater  environment assessment

