  • 蔡小辉,彭银辉,文雪,彭重威,宋忠魁.非伤害性取样方法获取的拟穴青蟹DNA质量研究[J].广西科学院学报,2010,26(2):143-145.    [点击复制]
  • CAI Xiao-hui,PENG Yin-hui,WEN Xue,PENG Chong-wei,SONG Zhong-kui.Study on the Quality of Genomic DNA from Scylla paramamosain by Nondestructive Sampling[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2010,26(2):143-145.   [点击复制]
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蔡小辉1, 彭银辉1, 文雪1, 彭重威2, 宋忠魁1
(1.广西海洋研究所广西海洋生物技术重点实验室, 广西北海 536000;2.钦州学院北部湾海洋保护与开发利用实验室, 广西钦州 535000)
选取5只采自广西北海的野生拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain),分别采用非伤害性(血淋巴)和伤害性(肌肉组织)取样方法提取基因组DNA进行COI扩增和ISSR扩增,检测DNA质量。结果表明,非伤害性(血淋巴)和伤害性(肌肉组织)取样方法获得的拟穴青蟹全基因组DNA的OD260/OD280分别为1.75~2.01和1.81~1.94,全基因组DNA纯度均较高,质量不相上下。同时,两种取样方法获取的DNA扩增片段大小均在600bp左右,同一个体扩增带型也是一致的。非伤害性(血淋巴)取样方法提取的基因组DNA,在质量上可以媲美伤害性取样(肌肉组织)提取的DNA,可以用于其它分子生物学实验研究。
关键词:  取样方法  非伤害性  DNA质量  拟穴青蟹
Study on the Quality of Genomic DNA from Scylla paramamosain by Nondestructive Sampling
CAI Xiao-hui1, PENG Yin-hui1, WEN Xue1, PENG Chong-wei2, SONG Zhong-kui1
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory for Marine Biotechnology, Guangxi Institute of Oceanology, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.Key Laboratory of Guangxi for Marine Protection and Exploitation and Utilization of Beibu Gulf, Qinzhou University, Qinzhou, Guangxi, 535000, China)
The genomic DNA of five Scylla paramamosain which collected from Guangxi Beihai were obtained by nondestructive and destructive sampling and evaluated using the quality of genomic DNA and PCR amplification concerning target gene and ISSR.The result showed that the OD260/OD280 of the genomic DNA obtained by nondestructive and destructive samping were 1.75~2.01 and 1.81~1.94,respectively,which indicated that the quality and the purity of genomic DNA obtained by two different samping were roughly the same.At the same time,the length of target gene were about 600bp and the band patterns of ISSR of the same one were identical by either nondestructive or destructive sampling.There is no qualitative difference between the genomic DNA from nondestructive and destructive sampling.The genomic DNA from nondestructive sampling can be used in other molecular biology studies.
Key words:  sampling method  nondestrctive  the quality of genomic DNA  Scylla paramamosain

