  • 刘布鸣,梁凯妮,林霄.壮药岗松油的研究概况[J].广西科学院学报,2010,26(3):374-376.    [点击复制]
  • LIU Bu-ming,LIANG Kai-ni,LIN Xiao.Review on the Study of Baeckea frutescens L. Essential Oil as a Kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2010,26(3):374-376.   [点击复制]
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刘布鸣, 梁凯妮, 林霄
(广西中医药研究院, 广西南宁 530022)
岗松油为桃金娘科植物岗松(Baeckea frutescens L.)的枝叶经水蒸气蒸馏提取的挥发油,其主要化学成分为蒎烯、1-8桉叶素、芳樟醇、石竹烯、律草烯等化合物。采用薄层色谱法和气相色谱法作为岗松油药材的质量控制方法,芳樟醇和桉油精为其质量监控的重要指标之一。岗松油对化学性肝损伤有明显的预防作用;对巴豆油引起的小鼠耳部炎症有明显的抗炎作用;对小鼠神经系统有一定的抑制作用;对麻醉猫的呼吸系统、心血管系统无明显的影响。岗松油主要用于外用抗菌消炎、保洁护肤、洗液等,还可以应用于香料工业和轻化工等领域。岗松油应用前景广阔,应对其进行系统深入研究开发,使其资源优势转化为产业优势。
关键词:  岗松油  化学成分  质量标准  药理作用
Review on the Study of Baeckea frutescens L. Essential Oil as a Kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine
LIU Bu-ming, LIANG Kai-ni, LIN Xiao
(Guangxi Institute of Traditional Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, China)
The essential oil was extracted by steam distillation from leaves and branches of Baeckea frutescens L. whose main components were composed of pinene, 1-8-cineole, linalool, caryophyllene, humulene, etc. The quality of the medicinal materials was controlled by thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography, which linalool and eucalyptol were the two important indicators. The volatil oil of Baeckea frutescens L. had obvious prevention effect on the chemical damage of liver, anti-inflammatory effect of mouse ear inflammation induced by croton oil, some inhibitory effects on the mouse nervous system, no significant effects on respiratory and cardiovascular system of anesthetized cats. The essential oil from Baeckea frutescens L. was used for antibiosis and anti-inflammation in external use, skin care, lotions etc. It also can be applied in perfume industry, light industry and other fields. Due to the broad application of essential oil, it should be researched and developed in depth for transformation from the resources superiority to the industrial advantages.
Key words:  Baeckea frutescens L.essential oil  chemical composition  quality standard  pharmacology

