  • 田艳,廖平德,邓超冰,吴烈善,梁柳玲,蒋芸芸.邕江南宁段和南宁城市内河中的有机磷农药调查[J].广西科学院学报,2012,28(3):216-218,223.    [点击复制]
  • TIAN Yan,LIAO Ping-de,DENG Chao-bing,WU Lie-shan,LIANG Liu-ling,JIANG Yun-yun.Investigation of Organic Phosphorus Pesticides in Yongjiang River and Nanning Urban Rivers[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2012,28(3):216-218,223.   [点击复制]
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田艳1, 廖平德1, 邓超冰1, 吴烈善2, 梁柳玲1, 蒋芸芸1
(1.广西壮族自治区环境监测中心站, 广西南宁 530028;2.广西大学环境工程学院, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  有机磷农药  气相色谱法  城市内河
Investigation of Organic Phosphorus Pesticides in Yongjiang River and Nanning Urban Rivers
TIAN Yan1, LIAO Ping-de1, DENG Chao-bing1, WU Lie-shan2, LIANG Liu-ling1, JIANG Yun-yun1
(1.Guangxi Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanning, Guangxi, 530028, China;2.School of Environment Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
The organic phosphorus pesticides (OPPs) in Yongjiang River and Nanning urban rivers were determined using solid phase extraction (SPE) and gas chromatograph/pulsed flame photometric detector (GC/pFPD) techniques. The results showed that six types of OPPs were detected in samples. Only two types of OPPs with very low concentration were detected in water samples from Yongjiang River in the flood season and the concentration varied from 0.03 to 0.04μg/L. In dry season, four types of OPPs were detected in water samples from Nanning urban rivers and the total concentrations varied from 0.09 to 6.82μg/L. In the flood season, four types of OPPs were detected in water samples from Nanning urban rivers and the total concentrations varied from 0.08 to 6.60μg/L. The dominant pollutants in the urban rivers were dimethoate and disulfoton. Chaoyangxi, Zhupaichong and Shuitang River were polluted more seriously in dry season than in the flood season. Except Daqiaochong, the pollution of OPPs in the urban rivers was strongly caused by non point source pollution.
Key words:  organic phosphorus pesticides  gas chromatograph  urban river

