  • 黄良美,邓超冰,廖平德,黎宁.广西生态环境质量状况评价[J].广西科学院学报,2013,29(3):186-191.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Liang-mei,DENG Chao-bing,LIAO Ping-de,LI Ning.Assessment on the Ecological and Environmental Quality of Guangxi[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2013,29(3):186-191.   [点击复制]
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黄良美, 邓超冰, 廖平德, 黎宁
(广西壮族自治区环境监测中心站, 广西南宁 530022)
以Landsat TM5及中国环境卫星数据为主要信息源,结合相关部门的统计数据,依据生态环境状况评价技术规范(HJ/T192-2006)对2005~2010年广西生态环境质量现状及其动态变化趋势进行分析评价。结果表明:(1)2005~2010年广西生态环境质量状况总体处于优级水平,地市级生态环境质量空间格局沿桂林-柳州-来宾-贵港-钦州-防城港划线成东西两块,东部呈优级生态环境质量状况,西部呈良级生态环境质量状况。(2)在生物丰度指数和植被覆盖指数有所下降的情况下,广西的环境质量指数有所提高,体现广西在节能减排、污染防治方面取得了明显成效。林地面积逐年下降,而建设用地、耕地和未利用地都有不同程度的增加,体现广西城市化迅猛发展的主要趋势,及基本农田保障体制的有力执行成效。(3)广西生态环境质量状况受众多因素影响,主体自然环境因子变化幅度小,保障了广西生态环境质量状况的优良级别,然而,强烈的人为干扰因子引起局部区域生态环境质量状况的明显改变。该研究对于制定广西生态环境保护与加快经济发展的宏观战略和决策,建设生态文明型社会,促进自然资源可持续利用,实现生态、经济和社会的和谐发展具有重要意义,也可为其他相关研究领域提供技术与方法的参考依据。
关键词:  生态环境  质量评价  遥感监测  技术规范
Assessment on the Ecological and Environmental Quality of Guangxi
HUANG Liang-mei, DENG Chao-bing, LIAO Ping-de, LI Ning
(Guangxi Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, China)
As one of the most important research fields for ecological and environmental science,eco-environmental quality assessment provide basis for the ecological planning and environmental manage of the government.This study,referred to the rules of ecological and environmental assessment (HJ/T192-2006),evaluates the ecological and environmental quality of Guangxi province during the period from 2005 to 2010.The results showed as following during this period,also called the Eleventh Five Plan of China:(1) the eco-environmental quality was in a very high level.Along with the cities such as Guiling,Liuzhou,Laibing,Guigang,Qinzhou,Fangchengang,the spatial distribution of eco-environmental quality in the eastern part is better than that in the western part for the Guangxi Province; (2) the index of plant coverage and the biological abundance index decreased continuously,while the environmental quality index increased.This situation indicated that the government of Guangxi has conducted intensive environment protect strategies and pollution control measures to prevent the ecosystem degradation and environmental deterioration,which produced positive effects on the local environment;(3) the eco-environmental quality had been affected by different and complex factors.The decrease on the change range in the main ecological factors can ensure the good eco-environmental quality,while the intense human disturbance factor can change the eco-environmental quality in certain degree.Therefore,the government should pay more attention to energy conservation and emission reduction.The study provided the scientific and technological references for the sustainable and harmonious construction of the society,and the other similar research field.
Key words:  ecological  environmental assessment  remote sensing monitoring  rules of technology

