  • 吴伟志,莫燕娟,黄丽霞,蓝俊康.贺州大汤温泉的形成条件及其水化学特征[J].广西科学院学报,2013,29(4):230-234.    [点击复制]
  • WU Wei-zhi,MO Yan-juan,HUANG Li-xia,LAN Jun-kang.Forming Conditions and Hydrochemical Characteristics of Datang Hot Spring,Hezhou City[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2013,29(4):230-234.   [点击复制]
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吴伟志, 莫燕娟, 黄丽霞, 蓝俊康
(桂林理工大学环境学院, 广西桂林 541004)
关键词:  温泉  成因  水化学特征
Forming Conditions and Hydrochemical Characteristics of Datang Hot Spring,Hezhou City
WU Wei-zhi, MO Yan-juan, HUANG Li-xia, LAN Jun-kang
(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
In order to reasonably develop and protect the hot spring resources of Datang geothermal field in Nanxiang town of Hezhou city, the formation of hot spring based on the analysis of geographical and geological conditions, and the chemical composition of water is studied and analyzed. Datang geothermal field is a zoned reservoir. Several deep and large fractures in the region form the transportation conduit and storage space for the hot water. Rainfall is the main water resource of the hot spring and the watershed around the spring is its recharge area. Due to the high hypsography of the watershed, the groundwater can circulate from shallow aquifer to deep fractures by high water pressure. During the circulation, the groundwater obtains heat from deep strata through heat convection. Moreover, a series of complex geochemical reactions between ground water and deep rocks results in a lot of trace elements dissolved into the hot water. Hydrochemical monitoring data indicats that the hot water is rich in fluorine, metasilicic acid and various beneficial trace elements but low TDS. The concentrations of the fluorine and metasilicic acid in the hot water both reach the standard of mineral water, which indicates the hot spring is suitable for balneotherapy.
Key words:  hot spring  forming conditions  hydrochemical characteristics

