  • 尹闯,李智娟,陆雁,竺利波,陆海生.专辑对综合性科技期刊评价指标的影响分析——以《广西科学院学报》为例[J].广西科学院学报,2014,30(1):65-68.    [点击复制]
  • YIN Chuang,LI Zhi-juan,LU Yan,ZHU Li-bo,LU Hai-sheng.Influence of Album on Comprehensive Science and Technology Periodicals: Taking Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences for Example[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2014,30(1):65-68.   [点击复制]
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尹闯, 李智娟, 陆雁, 竺利波, 陆海生
(广西科学院编辑部, 广西南宁 530007)
[目的]比较《广西科学院学报》(简称《学报》)的专辑与非专辑(符合期刊办刊方向,达到期刊发表要求,未刻意按学科栏目分类的刊期)对其评价指标的影响。[方法]以中国知网数据为依据,统计2000~2011年《学报》48期论文(其中12期计算机专辑A,2期分析测试专辑B,1期环境科学专辑C,33期非专辑)篇均下载量、篇均被引次数、基金论文比。[结果]从被引频次看,非专辑对《学报》的影响最大,其次是专辑C和B,专辑A显著低于非专辑;专辑A下载量也显著低于非专辑;基金论文比的影响排名依次为非专辑 > 专辑A > 专辑B > 专辑C;被引频次显著差异的主要原因是缺乏高被引论文。[结论]《学报》有必要调整专辑A的版面;期刊在策划专辑或者组稿时要以高被引论文为主要目标。
关键词:  科技期刊  专辑  评价指标
Influence of Album on Comprehensive Science and Technology Periodicals: Taking Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences for Example
YIN Chuang, LI Zhi-juan, LU Yan, ZHU Li-bo, LU Hai-sheng
(Editorial Office of Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
[Objective] The influence on evaluation album and non-album indexes of Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences is compared.[Method] Based on CNKI data of Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences from 2000 to 2011, paper downloads, cited times and the ratio of the funded papers of all papers from 48 issues (including 12 issues from Computer Album A, 2 issues from Analyze Test Album B, 1 issue from Environmental Science Album C and 33 issues from non-album), are statistically calculated.[Result] In term of the cited frequency, the largest influence on the journal is the non-album. The second largest influence is the album C and B. The influence of album A is significantly lower than that of the non-album.The download of album A is significantly lower than that of non-album. The influence of funded papers ratio is ranked in the order, which is the non-album > album A > album B > album C. The difference in cited frequency is due to the lack of highly cited papers.[Conclusion] The study is found that it is necessary to adjust the layout of journal album A. Highly cited papers are planned to be required.
Key words:  sci-tech periodical  special issue  evaluation index

