  • 钟德伟,胡宝清,梁铭忠.基于图谱分析钦州市市辖区湿地动态变化[J].广西科学院学报,2014,30(2):127-133.    [点击复制]
  • ZHONG De-wei,HU Bao-qing,LIANG Ming-zhong.Research on Wetland Change in Qinzhou Municipal Districts Based on Tupu Analysis[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2014,30(2):127-133.   [点击复制]
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钟德伟1, 胡宝清1, 梁铭忠2
(1.广西师范学院资源与环境科学学院, 北部湾环境演变与资源利用省部共建教育部重点实验室, 广西南宁 530001;2.钦州学院, 广西钦州 535000)
关键词:  湿地  人工解译  谱间关系法  图谱分析  钦州市市辖区
Research on Wetland Change in Qinzhou Municipal Districts Based on Tupu Analysis
ZHONG De-wei1, HU Bao-qing1, LIANG Ming-zhong2
(1.College of Resources and Environmental Science, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Environment Change and Resources Use, Ministry of Education, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China;2.Qinzhou University, Qinzhou, Guangxi, 535000, China)
[Objective] The wetland dynamic change in Qinzhou municipal districts was studied, and the reason and speed of change were investigated, in order to provide typical case and demonstration for wetland dynamic change by the methods of Geo-information Tupu.[Methods] Based on TM remote sensing image of Qinzhou municipal districts in 1990, 2000, 2010, spatial distribution maps was extracted by spectrum-photometric method and manual interpretation method. Then, the methods of Geo-information Tupu was used to analyze the wetland dynamic change.[Results] (1) From 1990 to 2010, river, lakes and reservoirs, respectively, reduced 958.52 hectares and 1718.93 hectares, mainly transferred to non-wetland and shrimp ponds.(2) From 1990 to 2010, shrimp ponds increased 4557.87 hectares, mainly from non-wetland and river.(3) From 1990 to 2000, mangrove area increased 468.51 hectares, mainly from wet-land and river. From 2000 to 2010 mangrove area reduced 104.67 hectares, mainly transferred to non-wetland and shrimp ponds. (4) From 1990 to 2000 paddy field increased 1506.98 hectares. From 2000 to 2010 paddy field reduced 1226.89 hectares.[Conclusion] The protection in wetland of Qinzhou municipal districts is effective and the wetland area shows a growing trend.
Key words:  wetland  manual interpretation  spectrum-photometric method  Tupu analysis  Qinzhou municipal district

