  • 庄军莲,王一兵,赖俊翔,柯珂,董德信,陈宪云.北海近岸海域化学需氧量分布特征及其影响因素研究[J].广西科学院学报,2014,30(3):165-169.    [点击复制]
  • ZHUANG Jun-lian,WANG Yi-bing,LAI Jun-xiang,KE Ke,DONG De-xin,CHEN Xian-yun.Distribution Characteristics and the Influencing Factors of COD in the Coastal Waters of Beihai[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2014,30(3):165-169.   [点击复制]
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庄军莲, 王一兵, 赖俊翔, 柯珂, 董德信, 陈宪云
(广西科学院广西近海海洋环境科学重点实验室, 广西南宁 530007)
关键词:  化学需氧量  分布  季节变化  影响因素
Distribution Characteristics and the Influencing Factors of COD in the Coastal Waters of Beihai
ZHUANG Jun-lian, WANG Yi-bing, LAI Jun-xiang, KE Ke, DONG De-xin, CHEN Xian-yun
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
[Objective] Distribution and seasonal variation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) were investigated,and the effects of environmental factors on the distribution of COD was discussed.[Methods] Based on the field data from four cruises of oceanographic survey carried out in the coastal waters of Beihai in June,September,December and March of 2010~2011,standard index method and correlation analysis method were conducted for the study area.[Results] The result indicated that the high concentrations of COD with COD standard index >1 occurred in coastal waters,especially in river estuaries.The concentrations of COD in most of stations were classified as the first-rate National Seawater Quality Standard.Except in summer,the COD concentrations and temperature showed a positive correlation in other season and the correlation coefficient was larger than 0.45.COD concentrations were in significant negative correlation to salinity (r<-0.5,P<0.05).Additionally,COD concentrations were significantly correlated with chlorophyll a in spring,summer and autumn.The correlation coefficient between the concentrations of COD and suspended solids was 0.596 in summer and over 0.7 in other seasons,which indicated a strong correlations between the COD and suspended solids.[Conclusion] Horizontal distribution of COD showed similar patterns in different seasons.High COD areas were found offshore while COD concentrations in open sea were relatively low.COD concentrations decreased gradually from offshore to open sea.Furthermore,the COD concentrations in the coastal waters of Beihai mainly correlated with terrestrial input,especially the river runoff.
Key words:  chemical oxygen demand  distribution  seasonal variation  influencing factors

