  • 黎宁,黄小卜,黄良美,韦锋,秦旭芝.广西自然保护区分布特征与类型结构分析[J].广西科学院学报,2014,30(3):196-201.    [点击复制]
  • LI Ning,HUANG Xiao-bu,HUANG Liang-mei,WEI Feng,QIN Xu-zhi.Analysis on Spatial Distribution and Type of Guangxi Nature Reserves[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2014,30(3):196-201.   [点击复制]
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黎宁, 黄小卜, 黄良美, 韦锋, 秦旭芝
(广西壮族自治区环境监测中心站, 广西南宁 530028)
关键词:  自然保护区  分布特征  类型
Analysis on Spatial Distribution and Type of Guangxi Nature Reserves
LI Ning, HUANG Xiao-bu, HUANG Liang-mei, WEI Feng, QIN Xu-zhi
(Guangxi Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanning, Guangxi, 530028, China)
[Objective] According to the investigation on the current spatial distribution and type of Guangxi nature reserves,some suggestions for the construction and development of Guangxi nature reserves were given.[Methods] The methods of field survey,data collection and the decipherment of satellite remote sensing,along with statistics were used for study on the present situation,characteristics of the quantity,area,spatial distribution,and type structure of Guangxi nature reserves.[Results] The land area of 77 Guangxi nature reserves only accounts for 5.64% of the total area.Nature reserves mainly locate in Baise,Chongzuo and Guilin,while are less in the eastern and southern part of Guangxi.There are 5 types of nature reserves in Guangxi.The forest ecological system is the predominant type.[Conclusion] Quantities and areas of Guangxi nature reserves are inadequate.Nature reserves mainly are disturbed in western and northern part of Guangxi,while are less in the central,eastern and southern part.The forest ecological system is predominant type,while the inland-wetland and the fossils type are lacking.
Key words:  nature reserves  spatial distribution  type

