  • 刘熊,程冬梅,叶朝放,苏搏,罗万次,曾晓鹏,徐丽,罗正顺.广西北仑河口保护区近岸海域2012~2014年水质参数的变化[J].广西科学院学报,2015,31(2):89-93.    [点击复制]
  • LIU Xiong,CHENG Dong-mei,YE Chao-fang,SU Bo,LUO Wan-ci,ZENG Xiao-peng,XU Li,LUO Zheng-shun.Changes of Water Quality Parameters Along the Coastal Area of National Nature Reserve of Guangxi Beilun Estuary,2012~2014[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2015,31(2):89-93.   [点击复制]
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刘熊1,2, 程冬梅2, 叶朝放1, 苏搏2, 罗万次1, 曾晓鹏2, 徐丽2, 罗正顺2
(1.防城港市海洋环境监测预报中心, 广西防城港 538001;2.广西北仑河口国家级自然保护区管理处, 广西防城港 538021)
关键词:  北仑河口保护区  单因子指数法  营养水平指数法
Changes of Water Quality Parameters Along the Coastal Area of National Nature Reserve of Guangxi Beilun Estuary,2012~2014
LIU Xiong1,2, CHENG Dong-mei2, YE Chao-fang1, SU Bo2, LUO Wan-ci1, ZENG Xiao-peng2, XU Li2, LUO Zheng-shun2
(1.Marine Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting Center of Fangchenggang, Fangchenggang, Guangxi, 538001, China;2.National Nature Reserve of Beilun Estuary, Fangchenggang, Guangxi, 538021, China)
[Objective] In order to promote the sustainable development of national nature reserve in Guangxi Beilun estuary and the surrounding community.[Methods] Three approaches including single-factor index method,trophic level index method and water environment healthy status evaluation method of bay and estuarine ecosystem were used to evaluate the variation trend of water quality on the basis of the investigation and analysis of water physico-chemical parameters carried out in the Guangxi Beilun estuarine nature reserve during the period 2012~2014.[Results] The result showed that the water quality indexes,expect the content of inorganic nitrogen,in sampling areas were belowⅠor Ⅱ grade standard of sea water quality. The inorganic nitrogen and petroleum were the main pollutants of the sampling sites. The trophic level index of the area between 2012 and 2014 were 1.94,1.33 and 1.44 respectively,which indicated eutrophication existed there and showed significantly spatial and temporal differences.[Conclusion] During the research period,the water health indices from sampling areas met the water health standard for bay and estuarine ecosystem,which suggested the area in general is health.
Key words:  national nature reserve of Guangxi Beilun estuary  single-factor index method  trophic level index method

