  • 赵冬梅,张蓬,林忠胜,姚子伟.锦州湾沉积物和生物体中有机锡化合物的分布特征及生态风险评价[J].广西科学院学报,2015,31(3):179-186.    [点击复制]
  • ZHAO Dong-mei,ZHANG Peng,LIN Zhong-sheng,YAO Zi-wei.Spatial Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Organotin Compounds in Sediment and Organism of Jinzhou Bay[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2015,31(3):179-186.   [点击复制]
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赵冬梅, 张蓬, 林忠胜, 姚子伟
(国家海洋局近岸海域生态与环境重点实验室, 国家海洋环境监测中心, 辽宁大连 116023)
[目的]研究锦州湾沉积物和生物体中有机锡化合物(OTs)的含量及其分布特征,为有机锡输入控制和对环境造成的生态风险评价提供基础数据。[方法]利用气相色谱配FPD检测器分析沉积物和生物体中3种丁基锡和3种苯基锡的含量。[结果]沉积物中OTs的含量为5.89~26.6 ng Sn/g,除三苯基锡(TPhT)外,其它5种有机锡均有检出;生物样品中含量为13.2~170 ng Sn/g,3种丁基锡和3种苯基锡均有检出。[结论]锦州湾沉积物中的OTs与国内其它海区水平相当,其组成比例显示有新的输入源;三丁基锡(TBT)降解程度不高;6种生物样富集OTs的含量与其脂肪含量之间无显著的相关性,且体内OTs的组成比例不同,表明生物选择性富集OTs;沉积物中三丁基锡化合物(TBT)含量处在低筛选浓度和高筛选浓度之间,TBT对生态环境产生中等程度的负面影响,应当引起足够的重视。
关键词:  锦州湾  沉积物  有机锡  生态风险
Spatial Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Organotin Compounds in Sediment and Organism of Jinzhou Bay
ZHAO Dong-mei, ZHANG Peng, LIN Zhong-sheng, YAO Zi-wei
(Key Laboratory of Coastal Ecology and Environment of State Oceanic Administration(State Oceanic Administration), National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian, Liaoning, 116023, China)
[Objective] In present paper, the levels and distribution of organotin (OTs) compounds in Jinzhou Bay were reported in order to supply the data for discharge control and risk assessment of organotin.[Methods] GC equipped with FPD was applied to analyze the concentrations of three butyltins and three phenyltins in the sediments and organisms.[Results] The total concentrations of OTs in sediments ranged from 5.89 to 26.6 ng Sn/g. Except for TPhT, the rest 5 compounds were detectable.The OTs concentrations in 6 organisms were in the range of 13.2~170 ng Sn/g with detection of all 6 compounds.[Conclusion] The concentrations of OTs in the sediment collected from Jinzhou Bay were identical to the other sea areas in our country. The percentages of OTs compounds indicated that the OTs was recently discharged into Jinzhou Bay. Furthermore, the TBT degraded mildly under the present environmental conditions. The concentrations of OTs in 6 organisms were not significantly linearly related with their fat contents. The composition patterns of OTs in 6 organisms were different, suggesting the organisms possessed the selectivity in bioaccumulation of OTs. The results of TBT concentrations comparison in sediment with lower and higher screening value indicated that the TBT showed median-level negative influence on local eco-environment, which was worth drawing adequate attentions from scientist and government agencies.
Key words:  Jinzhou Bay  sediment  organotin  ecological risk

