  • 王在峰,张杰,侯保荣,孙虎元,宋积文,陈胜利.即热式热水器底部加强板阴极保护系统电场数值模拟[J].广西科学院学报,2015,31(3):192-196,201.    [点击复制]
  • WANG Zai-feng,ZHANG Jie,HOU Bao-rong,SUN Hu-yuan,SONG Ji-wen,CHEN Sheng-li.Numerical Simulation for Electric Field of Cathodic Protection of the Bottom Strengthening Plate of Instant Water Heater[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2015,31(3):192-196,201.   [点击复制]
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王在峰1,2, 张杰1, 侯保荣1, 孙虎元1, 宋积文3, 陈胜利3
(1.中国科学院海洋研究所, 山东青岛 266071;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;3.中国海洋石油总公司, 北京 100027)
关键词:  阴极保护  有限元法  电位分布
Numerical Simulation for Electric Field of Cathodic Protection of the Bottom Strengthening Plate of Instant Water Heater
WANG Zai-feng1,2, ZHANG Jie1, HOU Bao-rong1, SUN Hu-yuan1, SONG Ji-wen3, CHEN Sheng-li3
(1.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China;3.China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Beijing, 100027, China)
[Objective] Aiming to design the impressed current cathodic protection system for the bottom steel plate of a constant water heater and to obtain the uniform electric field distribution.[Methods] The finite element method was used to calculate electric field from cathodic protection of the strengthening plate based on different arrangements of auxiliary anodes.[Results] When the auxiliary anodes being vertical to the steel bar were placed at 4/9 of the heater height, the potential began to be uniformly distributed. When the anode being parallel to the steel bar were placed at 11/18 to 13/18 of the heater length, the potential distribution of left and right ends was more uniform. With the increase of the number of auxiliary anodes, the potential distribution was more uniform, but little impact on the value of the steel bar was found. Converting the solving region into a straight line, the auxiliary anode was in the center of the line. There was a self-attenuating phenomenon about potential.[Conclusion] So two auxiliary anodes were enough and economic. The anodes were preferably placed in a rectangular shape with specific coordinates. According to the attenuating curve, potentials of two ends can be adjusted to meet the requirement of standard.
Key words:  cathodic protection  finite element method  potential distribution

