  • 马士德,王在东,刘会莲,赵君,段继周,许健平,韩文,王静,刘传安.青岛海鸥浮码头冬季污损生物调查分析[J].广西科学院学报,2015,31(3):214-218.    [点击复制]
  • MA Shi-de,WANG Zai-dong,LIU Hui-lian,ZHAO Jun,DUAN Ji-zhou,XU Jian-ping,HAN Wen,WANG Jing,LIU Chuan-an.Investigation and Analysis of Fouling Organisms in Qingdao Seagulls Floating Dock[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2015,31(3):214-218.   [点击复制]
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马士德1,2, 王在东3, 刘会莲1, 赵君4, 段继周1, 许健平3, 韩文3, 王静1, 刘传安3
(1.中国科学院海洋研究所, 山东青岛 266071;2.中国老教授协会海洋防腐防污专业委员会, 山东青岛 266071;3.青岛东启机械设备有限公司, 山东青岛 266071;4.海洋化工研究院, 山东青岛 266071)
[目的]为给胶州湾生态评价提供污损生物的基本信息,调查青岛中港服役5.5年海鸥浮码头水中钢结构的生物污损状况。[方法]分析鉴定该浮码头冬季污损生物的稳定群落结构及其分布,并与50年前的调查结果进行对比。[结果]青岛中港冬季稳定群落基本结构为多年生固着生物,牡蛎(Ostrea gigas thunberg)和藤壶(Balanus sp.)为底层,其上为附着型的海鞘(Pyrosomella verticilliata)、贻贝(Mytilidae)和苔藓虫(Bryozoa),表层为地毯式复海鞘、苔藓虫、海绵(Reniclona sp.)、水螅(Hydra)和海葵(Sea anemone)等;去除多年生固着生物(藤壶、牡蛎)及附着型的扇贝,服役5.5年浮码头最大单位面积污损重量不足1.0 kg/m2[结论]相比50年前,青岛中港污损生物群落结构及附着量都发生显著变化,建议把胶州湾污损生物生态研究纳入胶州湾海洋生物生态系统的研究中。
关键词:  青岛中港  浮码头  生物污损
Investigation and Analysis of Fouling Organisms in Qingdao Seagulls Floating Dock
MA Shi-de1,2, WANG Zai-dong3, LIU Hui-lian1, ZHAO Jun4, DUAN Ji-zhou1, XU Jian-ping3, HAN Wen3, WANG Jing1, LIU Chuan-an3
(1.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China;2.Marine Anti-corrosion Anti-fouling Professional Committee of China Senior Professors Association, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China;3.Qingdao Tony Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd., Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China;4.Marine Chemical Research Institute, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China)
[Objective] In order to investigate the ecological change of Qingdao Port, and find basic bio-fouling information for the evaluation of ecological change in Jiaozhou Bay,an investigation of "Seagulls" floating dock is taken during its 5.5 years' service period in Qingdao Zhonggang Port. [Methods] This paper analyzed and identified the stable community structure and distribution of fouling organisms in winter. [Results] Through comparing the current and 50 years ago data,it shows that the basic structure of stable community in winter is fixed type organisms.The bottom layer,which contains Ostrea gigas thunberg and Balanus sp.,is attached by Pyrosomella verticilliata,Mytilidae and Bryozoa.The upper layer is filled with carpet type organisms.Except Balanus sp.,Ostrea gigas thunberg and Mytilidae,the maximum weight of the floating dock per unit area during the 5.5 years is 1.0 kg/m2. [Conclusion] The structure of stable winter fouling community and adhesion quantities have significantly changed over 50 years, suggesting the research of fouling organisms in Jiaozhou Bay need to be employed in the Jiaozhou Bay ecological research of marine ecosystems.
Key words:  Qingdao Zhonggang  floating dock  biofouling

