  • 李莉,王晓红,邱兆星.苗种来源与增殖环境对底播刺参生长与存活的影响[J].广西科学院学报,2015,31(3):228-232.    [点击复制]
  • LI Li,WANG Xiao-hong,QIU Zhao-xing.Effects of Different Juveniles Sources and Environmental Conditions on the Growth and Survival of Released Sea Cucumber,Apostichopus japonicus[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2015,31(3):228-232.   [点击复制]
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李莉, 王晓红, 邱兆星
(山东省海洋生物研究院, 青岛市浅海底栖渔业增殖重点实验室, 山东青岛 266104)
[目的]针对目前刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)浅海底播增殖中存在的问题,拟通过对底播苗种来源以及增殖海区环境的研究,改善并提高刺参底播增殖效果。[方法]采用封闭网笼装置在增殖海区开展现场试验的方法,分别研究苗种来源(育苗大棚、池塘网箱)、增殖环境(近岸藻礁区、离岸礁区)对底播刺参生长与存活的影响。[结果]苗种来源、增殖环境对底播刺参成活率影响显著(P<0.05);底播于离岸深水礁区的大棚苗种成活率最低,为76.67%。各试验组之间底播刺参的增重率差异显著(P<0.05);相同增殖环境下,来自池塘网箱的苗种增重率显著高于育苗大棚的苗种;试验结束时,相同来源苗种底播于离岸礁区生长情况均优于近岸礁区。[结论]来自池塘网箱的苗种较育苗大棚苗种能更好的适应底播增殖环境的变化;而在增殖海域选择时,增殖海域的饵料状况也是影响增殖效果的重要因素之一。
关键词:  刺参  苗种来源  增殖环境
Effects of Different Juveniles Sources and Environmental Conditions on the Growth and Survival of Released Sea Cucumber,Apostichopus japonicus
LI Li, WANG Xiao-hong, QIU Zhao-xing
(Key Laboratory of Benthic Fisheries Aquaculture and Enhancement, Qingdao, Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao, Shandong, 266104, China)
[Objective] According to the existing problems in the enhancement release of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus,this research focused on the study of different juveniles sources and environmental conditions to improve the efficiency of enhancement.[Methods] Field tests were carried on the effects of different juveniles sources and environmental conditions on the growth and survival of released sea cucumber. Juveniles taken from the nursery farm and the net cages in pond were released in nearshore algal reef area and offshore reef area respectively.[Results] The effects of different juveniles sources and environmental conditions on the survival rate of released sea cucumber were significantly different. The survival rate of sea cucumber from farm released in offshore reef area was 76.67%,the lest among the test groups. The difference was also significant for the weight gain rate among the test groups. The weight gain rates of sea cucumber from net cages were significantly bigger than that from farm under the same environmental condition. The sea cucumbers released in offshore reef area were growing better than that in nearshore area under the same juveniles resources.[Conclusion] The juveniles from net cage in pond showed better adaptability to the change of environment, compared to the juveniles from farm. Bait status is a very important factors for enhancement release and should be considered in the selection of enhancement areas.
Key words:  Apostichopus japonicus  sources of juveniles  environmental conditions

