  • 何诗雄,曹明,罗励,黄恒川,刘凡胜,蒙跃环.广西南丹山口林场引种秃杉的栽培技术初探[J].广西科学院学报,2015,31(4):296-301.    [点击复制]
  • HE Shi-xiong,CAO Ming,LUO Li,HUANG Heng-chuan,LIU Fan-sheng,MENG Yue-huan.Preliminary Study on Cultivation Technique of Taiwania flousiana in Shankou Forest Farm of Guangxi Nandan County[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2015,31(4):296-301.   [点击复制]
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何诗雄1, 曹明2, 罗励1, 黄恒川2, 刘凡胜2, 蒙跃环2
(1.广西大学, 广西南宁 530004;2.广西南丹县山口林场, 广西河池 547003)
[目的]为解决杉木长期连栽产量递减的问题,总结杉木轮换树种秃杉(Taiwania flousiana)的引种栽培技术。[方法]从秃杉种源选择、种子采集、壮苗培育技术、造林技术设计与实施等方面对南丹山口林场引种秃杉栽培资料进行分析。[结果]样地测定显示,8年生、11年生、14年生、17年生的秃杉林分平均胸径依次为10.7 cm,12.7 cm,14.1 cm,20.8 cm;平均树高分别为8.6 m,11.9 m,13.3 m,17.3 m;林分平均蓄积量依次为93.428 m3/hm2,153.418 m3/hm2,203.824 m3/hm2,223.400 m3/hm2。秃杉林分各项生长量指标分别超过同等立地条件的杉木二代林的8.8%~112.0%。[结论]山口林场秃杉的引种栽培技术有一定的推广价值。
关键词:  秃杉  人工林  连栽  轮换  栽培技术
Preliminary Study on Cultivation Technique of Taiwania flousiana in Shankou Forest Farm of Guangxi Nandan County
HE Shi-xiong1, CAO Ming2, LUO Li1, HUANG Heng-chuan2, LIU Fan-sheng2, MENG Yue-huan2
(1.Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.Shankou Forest Farm of Nandan County in Guangxi, Hechi, Guangxi, 547003, China)
[Objective] The cultivation technique of rotate species(Taiwania flousiana) were summarized in order to solve the declining productivity in continuously planted Chinese fir plantation.[Methods] Based on provenance selection,seed collection,vigorous seedling cultivation,afforestation and forest tending methods,etc,the introduction and cultivation data of Taiwania flousiana were investigated in Shankou Forest Farm of Nandan County.[Results] Plots determination showed that the average DBH of 8 years old,11 years old,14 years old,17 years old Taiwania flousiana were 10.7 cm,12.7 cm,14.1 cm and 20.8 cm, respectively;the average height were 8.6 m,11.9 m,13.3 m,17.3 m, respectively; the average stand volume were 93.428 m3/hm2,153.418 m3/hm2,203.824 m3/hm2,223.400 m3/hm2,respectively.The various growth index of Taiwania flousiana forest was higher 8.8%~112.0% than those of Chinese Fir second rotation growth in the similar site.[Conclusion] The introduction and cultivation technology for Taiwania flousiana in Shankou Forest Farm was prospective.
Key words:  Taiwania flousiana  plantation  continuous plantation  rotation  cultivation

