  • 李晓英,何首武,苏树海.基于NoSQL的海量出租车GPS数据Web服务研究[J].广西科学院学报,2016,32(3):231-236.    [点击复制]
  • LI Xiaoying,HE Shouwu,SU Shuhai.Research of Massive Taxi GPS Data Web Service Based on NoSQL[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2016,32(3):231-236.   [点击复制]
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李晓英1,2, 何首武1, 苏树海1
(1.桂林理工大学南宁分校, 广西南宁 530001;2.武汉大学计算机学院, 湖北武汉 430072)
[目的]针对传统关系型数据库扩展性差、存取效率低等问题,提出一种基于非关系型数据库(NoSQL)的海量出租车GPS数据Web服务方案,满足海量空间数据高效存储管理与实时在线服务的需求。[方法]利用MongoDB地理空间索引实现基于位置的查询,基于Node.js技术提供Web service服务,采用Express MVC框架构建Web应用。[结果]与MySQL Spatial相比,MongoDB在区域查询方面具有较高的查询效率,数据量多时,其性能尤为显著。[结论]基于NoSQL的出租车GPS数据Web服务方案可以支持海量位置数据的实时查询与地图显示,具有一定的应用参考价值。
关键词:  基于位置的服务  NoSQL  Node.js  MongoDB  Web 服务
Research of Massive Taxi GPS Data Web Service Based on NoSQL
LI Xiaoying1,2, HE Shouwu1, SU Shuhai1
(1.Campus of Nanning, Guilin University of Technology, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China;2.Computer School, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, 430072, China)
[Objective] In order to meet the demand of massive spatial data storage management and real-time online service,the massive taxi GPS data Web service based on NoSQL was discussed in this paper. The solution is to overcome the problem of poor scalability and low access efficiency in traditional relational database.[Methods] In our solution, locationbased query was realized by the MongoDB geospatial indexes. Web services was built on the Node. js technology. The Express MVC framework was used for building Web application.[Results] The region query experiments on the MongoDB and MySQL Spatial Extensions was carried out for performance comparisons. The results showed that MongoDB had higher query efficiency. When there was large amount of data,its performance was particularly significant.[Conclusion] The taxi GPS data Web service based on NoSQL can support the real-time query and display of location data on the digital map. The result has certain reference value for the similar study.
Key words:  location-based services (LBS)  NoSQL  Node.js  MongoDB  Web service

