  • 孙玉林,杨梅语,辛欣欣,甘文恒,龚珍英,李玲,邓文英,刘晓,陈道海.海洋细菌Bacillus sp.753的次生代谢产物分析[J].广西科学院学报,2016,32(4):258-262,266.    [点击复制]
  • SUN Yulin,YANG Meiyu,XIN Xinxin,GAN Wenheng,GONG Zhenying,LI Ling,DENG Wenying,LIU Xiao,CHEN Daohai.Analysis of the Secondary Metabolites of Marine Bacterium Bacillus sp. 753[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2016,32(4):258-262,266.   [点击复制]
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海洋细菌Bacillus sp.753的次生代谢产物分析
孙玉林1,2, 杨梅语1, 辛欣欣1, 甘文恒1, 龚珍英1, 李玲1, 邓文英1, 刘晓1, 陈道海1,2
(1.岭南师范学院生命科学与技术学院, 广东湛江 524048;2.环北部湾海洋药用动物利用与保护研究所, 广东湛江 524048)
[目的]通过多种现代化波谱手段,探究海洋细菌Bacillus sp.753的次生代谢产物。[方法]采用硅胶柱层析、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱层析和高效液相色谱分离技术,对海洋细菌Bacillus sp.753发酵液的化学成分进行研究,并运用NMR、MS和文献对照方法鉴定其化学结构。[结果]从这株细菌的发酵液中共分离得到12个单体化合物,分别为uridine(1),thymine(2),cyclo-(phe-lle)(3),cyclo-(ala-pro)(4),cyclo-(val-pro)(5),cyclo-(pro-leu)(6),cyclo-(phe-pro)(7),cyclo-(tyr-pro)(8),cyclo-(tyr-4-hydroxy-pro)(9),cyclo-(leu-pro)(10),cyclo-(pro-4-hydroxyl-lle)(11),cyclo-(D-pipecolinyl-L-leucine)(12)。[结论]化合物1~12均是首次从该株海洋细菌中分离得到,该实验结果不仅丰富了该株菌的化学成分类型,而且也增强了海洋细菌的研究价值。
关键词:  海洋细菌  Bacillus sp. 753  化学成分  结构鉴定
Analysis of the Secondary Metabolites of Marine Bacterium Bacillus sp. 753
SUN Yulin1,2, YANG Meiyu1, XIN Xinxin1, GAN Wenheng1, GONG Zhenying1, LI Ling1, DENG Wenying1, LIU Xiao1, CHEN Daohai1,2
(1.Life Science and Technology School, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, 524048, China;2.Round Beibu Gulf Institute for the Protection and Utilization of Marine Animals in Medicine, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, 524048, China)
[Objective] To investigate the secondary metabolites of marine bacterium Bacillus sp. 753 by various modern spectrum methods.[Methods] Constituents in the fermentation liquid of the marine bacteria were isolated and purified by silica gel,Sephadex LH-20,and sem-i preparative reverse-phase HPLC (C18). Their structures were identified by NMR,MS and literatures.[Results] Twelve compounds were isolated from marine bacterium Bacillus sp. 753 and their structures were identified as uridine (1), thymine (2),cyclo-(phe-lle) (3),cyclo-(ala-pro) (4),cyclo-(va-l pro) (5),cyclo-(pro-leu) (6),cyclo-(phe-pro) (7), cyclo-(tyr-pro) (8), cyclo-(tyr-4-hydroxy-pro) (9),cyclo-(leu-pro) (10), cyclo-(pro-4-hydroxyl-lle) (11), cyclo-(D-pipecolinyl-L-leucine) (12).[Conclusion] Compounds 1~12 were isolated from this bacterium for the first time,which not only enriched the types of chemical composition in the Bacillus sp. 753,but also increased the research value of the marine bacterium.
Key words:  marine bacterium  Bacillus sp.753  chemical constituents  structure identification

