  • 吕韶霞,梁陆新,温张凡,周文政,郭进,黎光旭.Ru基化合物催化制氢的研究进展[J].广西科学院学报,2016,32(4):299-304.    [点击复制]
  • LV Shaoxia,LIANG Luxin,WEN Zhangfan,ZHOU Wenzheng,GUO Jin,LI Guangxu.Research Progress of the Ru Based Compound Catalyst of Hydrogen Production[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2016,32(4):299-304.   [点击复制]
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吕韶霞, 梁陆新, 温张凡, 周文政, 郭进, 黎光旭
(广西高校新能源材料及相关技术重点实验室, 广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004)
氢的存储是车载燃料电池发展的关键环节。甲醇在室温下呈液态并且储氢量达12.6 wt%,然而分解甲醇制氢需要较高的温度(超过200曟)和压强(25~50 bar)。最近研究者报道了利用单核钌(Ru)基化合物作催化剂,在常温常压条件下可以将甲醇分解成CO2和H2;利用双核Ru基化合物作催化剂,可以将多聚甲醛或甲醛与水的混合溶液有选择性地脱氢生成H2和CO2,但是关于Ru基化合物微观层次的催化机制还需要进一步研究。本文综述了不同配体构型和不同种类配体对催化剂活性的影响及其脱氢路径,以及催化剂的催化活性和溶液的pH值之间的关系,阐明如何改进现有单核Ru基钳型化合物和双核Ru基化合物催化剂的性能,设计催化活性更优良的新型催化剂。
关键词:  催化机理  催化性能  Ru基化合物  制氢
Research Progress of the Ru Based Compound Catalyst of Hydrogen Production
LV Shaoxia, LIANG Luxin, WEN Zhangfan, ZHOU Wenzheng, GUO Jin, LI Guangxu
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of New Energy Materials and Related Technologies, College of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
Hydrogen storage is the key factor in the development of vehicular fuel cell. Methanol is liquid at room temperature and its hydrogen storage capacity is up to 12.6 wt%; however the decomposition of methanol into hydrogen needs higher temperature (more than 200℃) and pressure (25~50 bar). Recently,researchers reported that methanol could be decomposed into CO2 and H2 at normal temperature and pressure conditions via using mononuclear Ru based compounds as catalyst. By using dinuclear Ru based compounds as catalyst, poly formaldehyde or the mixed solution of formaldehyde and water could be selectively dehydrogenated into H2 and CO2. However, Further research was required on the catalytic micro-mechanism of Ru based compounds. This paper reviewed the effects of different ligand configurations and different kinds of ligands on the catalytic activity and Dehydrogenation path. Futhermore, the relationship between the catalytic activity of catalyst and pH value of solution would be discussed. This project was expected to improve the performance of existing mononuclear and dinuclear Ru based compounds catalyst,and provide a theoretical basis for a new catalyst that has excellent catalytic activity.
Key words:  catalytic mechanism  catalytic activity  Ru based compounds  hydrogen production

