  • 卢丽,李陶深.基于信令分析的移动数据网络业务投诉系统的实现[J].广西科学院学报,2017,33(1):40-47.    [点击复制]
  • LU Li,LI Taoshen.The Realization of Mobile Data Network Service Complaint System based on the Signaling Analysis[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2017,33(1):40-47.   [点击复制]
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卢丽1, 李陶深2
(1.广西演艺职业学院经管学院, 广西南宁 530226;2.广西高校并行与分布式计算技术重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004)
[目的]针对中国移动运营商面临的客户投诉难定位、投诉现象难复现、投诉发生时信令难回溯等难点问题,研发一个基于信令分析的移动数据网络业务投诉系统。[方法]系统通过设计包括网络质量监控、投诉处理等功能的关键性能指标(Key Performance Indicators,KPI)系统及投诉分析和处理机制,从业务数据中挖掘网络隐患,深入分析数据业务网络性能,快速准确定位影响用户感知和网络性能的异常原因,帮助工作人员有针对性地对不同区域进行网络优化工作。[结果]性能测试结果表明,系统可以快速地感知客户上网的情况,通过优化网络的性能来提升客户的满意度。[结论]从系统运行的结果来看,本研究设计和实现的系统基本达到了预定的效果。
关键词:  信令分析  投诉  网络质量  网络优化
The Realization of Mobile Data Network Service Complaint System based on the Signaling Analysis
LU Li1, LI Taoshen2
(1.School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Vocational College of Performing Arts, Nanning, Guangxi, 530226, China;2.Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Computing Technology, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] There are three main challenges emerged in the process of addressing customer complaints:Identifying customer complaints,reproducing the complaints and recreating the messaging at the time of complaints occur.In order to solve the above problems, a mobile data network service complaint system based on the signaling analysis is developed.[Methods] In this system,the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) system including the network quality monitoring,complaint handling,and the complaint analysis and treatment mechanism is designed.The system finds potential issues from digital network data,provides in depth analysis of digital network service performance,quickly identifies the issues that impact customer experience and network performance,and enables to the optimization of network performance for different geographical locations.[Results] The system performance test results show that the system can quickly perceive customer access to the Internet, and improve customer satisfaction by optimizing network performance.[Conclusion] The system is effective and feasible.
Key words:  signaling analysis  complaints  network quality  network optimization

