  • 雷西娟,郭文,刘恩孚,陈群,荆圆圆,刘广斌,张天文.不同饵料投喂对魁蚶幼体生长的影响[J].广西科学院学报,2017,33(3):164-170.    [点击复制]
  • LEI Xijuan,GUO Wen,LIU Enfu,CHEN Qun,JING Yuanyuan,LIU Guangbin,ZHANG Tianwen.Influence of Different Diets on the Growth of Scapharca broughtonii Schrenck[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2017,33(3):164-170.   [点击复制]
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雷西娟, 郭文, 刘恩孚, 陈群, 荆圆圆, 刘广斌, 张天文
(山东省海洋生物研究院, 山东青岛 266104)
[目的]探讨在魁蚶苗种繁育中如何选择合适的饵料,了解魁蚶幼体生物学特性。[方法]选取金藻、角毛藻、海洋酵母、小球藻等4种不同饵料对魁蚶幼体进行为期13 d的喂养,测定其壳长、壳高等生物学指标,计算特定生长率,分析不同饵料投喂对魁蚶幼体生长的影响。[结果]从D形幼虫发育到壳顶期这段时期内,混合饵料金藻+海洋酵母较单一饵料投喂魁蚶幼虫的效果好。不同饵料投喂下魁蚶幼虫特定生长率大小依次为金藻+海洋酵母处理组 > 金藻处理组 > 海洋酵母处理组 > 金藻+角毛藻处理组 > 角毛藻处理组 > 小球藻处理组,各处理组间差异极显著(P<0.05)。[结论]在魁蚶幼体培育阶段,最佳饵料是金藻+海洋酵母。在没有混合饵料的前提下,金藻效果最好,适合做幼虫的开口饵料;小球藻效果最差,不合适做单一饵料投喂幼虫。
关键词:  魁蚶  幼体  金藻  小球藻
Influence of Different Diets on the Growth of Scapharca broughtonii Schrenck
LEI Xijuan, GUO Wen, LIU Enfu, CHEN Qun, JING Yuanyuan, LIU Guangbin, ZHANG Tianwen
(Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao, Shandong, 266104, China)
[Objective] In order to understand the biological characteristics of Scapharca broughtonii, how to select the appropriate feeds on the industrial scale seedling rearing of S.broughtonii was discussed.[Methods] Chrysophyta,Chaetoceros,Marine yeast and Chlorellavulgaris were chosen as first feeds of larval rearing of S.broughtonii for 13 d.Shell length,height and other biological indicators were measured and the specific growth rate was calculated.Then the effect of different diets on the growth of S.broughtonii was analyzed.[Results] The results show that the mixed feeds which include Chrysophyta and Rhodosporidium paludigenum Fell & Tallman were the best selection during D larvae to umbo stage for S.broughtonii.The specific growth rate of S.broughtonii was followed by:Chrysophyta & Marine yeast > Chrysophyta > Marine yeast > Chrysophyta & Chaetocero > Chaetoceros > Chlorellavulgaris.The difference between the treatment groups was significant (P<0.05).[Conclusion] The best feed during larval rearing of S.broughtonii was Chrysophyta & Marine yeast.The Chrysophyta worked best without mixed feed and was suitable for larvae as the opening feed.While the Chlorellavulgaris was the worst and was not suitable for larvae as the single feed.
Key words:  Scapharca broughtonii  larvae  Chrysophyta  Chlorellavulgaris

