  • 王华,陈胜利,王润,李辉辉,石岩,宋积文,王在峰.基于海洋石油平台的海冰监测系统[J].广西科学院学报,2017,33(3):185-190.    [点击复制]
  • WANG Hua,CHEN Shengli,WANG Run,LI Huihui,SHI Yan,SONG Jiwen,WANG Zaifeng.Sea Ice Monitoring System of Offshore Structure in the Bohai Bay[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2017,33(3):185-190.   [点击复制]
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王华, 陈胜利, 王润, 李辉辉, 石岩, 宋积文, 王在峰
(中海油信息科技有限公司北京分公司, 北京 100027)
[目的]有效监测渤海辽东湾海冰状况,指导破冰船破冰,保障冬季冰期海洋石油平台的安全生产。[方法]在辽东湾石油平台上构建海冰测量系统,利用视频测冰技术、视频冰速测量技术及气象观测多种手段,在2011-2015年度连续4年冬季冰期观测平台周边海冰形貌、范围、运动轨迹,并对监测数据进行分析,给出24 h海冰预报。[结果]基于海洋石油平台的海冰监测系统对海冰冰量、冰厚、冰速、冰类型监测数据准确,通过数据分析可以对海冰实施年、月、周、24 h预报,短期预报与实际情况基本相符合,其中24 h预报准确率在95%以上。[结论]基于海洋石油平台的海冰监测系统是一套运行可靠的监测系统,能准确地观测海冰的运行趋势,为冬季渤海辽东湾的抗冰活动提供指导。
关键词:  海冰监测  海冰预报  海冰  辽东湾海冰  平台冰期安全
Sea Ice Monitoring System of Offshore Structure in the Bohai Bay
WANG Hua, CHEN Shengli, WANG Run, LI Huihui, SHI Yan, SONG Jiwen, WANG Zaifeng
(CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited, Beijing Branch, Beijing, 100027, China)
[Objective] The sea ice monitoring system was applied to observe sea ice conditions of Liaodong Bay to guarantee the safe production of the offshore oil platform through guiding icebreaker to break ice during the winter ice age.[Methods] The sea ice morphology, scope and movement of the surrounding platform were observed continuously by means of video measurement technology, video ice speed measurement technology and meteorological observation through constructing the sea ice monitoring system during the winter ice age of 2011-2015.The 24 h sea ice forecast was provided by analyzing the monitoring data.[Results] The sea ice monitoring system based on the offshore oil platform accurately recorded the sea ice volume, ice thickness,ice speed, ice type. According to the analysis of data, the forecast of sea ice in year, month, week and 24 h could be predicted. And the forecast was in line with the actual situation, of which the accuracy rate of 24 h forecast was up to 95% or more.[Conclusion] The sea ice monitoring system based on offshore oil platform was a reliable operation monitoring system, which could accurately observe the operation trend of sea ice and provide guidance for the anti-ice activities in the Liaodong Bay in the winter.
Key words:  sea ice monitoring  sea ice forecasts  sea ice  sea ice in Liaodong Bay  the platform ice age security

