  • 赵红艳,姜勇,刘润红,梁士楚.中国湿地外来维管束植物的初步研究[J].广西科学院学报,2018,34(2):87-102.    [点击复制]
  • ZHAO Hongyan,JIANG Yong,LIU Runhong,LIANG Shichu.The Preliminary Study on Alien Vascular Plants in Wetland of China[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2018,34(2):87-102.   [点击复制]
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赵红艳1,2, 姜勇1,2, 刘润红1,2, 梁士楚1,2
(1.广西师范大学, 珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室, 广西桂林 541006;2.广西师范大学, 生命科学学院, 广西桂林 541006)
[目的] 了解外来入侵湿地植物,为中国湿地保护、管理和利用提供科学的依据,为外来入侵种的控制和外来植物的风险评估提供参考资料。[方法] 采用野外调查与文献分析相结合的方法,对中国湿地外来维管束植物的种类组成、生活型、生态类型、入侵途径、原产地以及危害程度进行统计和分析。[结果] 中国湿地外来维管束植物有189种,隶属47科93属,其中睡莲科种类最多,占12.16%;有意引入的种类有167种,无意引入的种类有22种,美洲是中国外来入侵种的主要来源地;恶性入侵种有9种,严重入侵种有10种,局部入侵种有4种,一般入侵种有23种和暂无危害种有143种。[结论] 中国外来湿地维管束植物生活型上以多年生草本为主,生态类型上以沉水植物和挺水植物为主,且大多是由人为有意引入的。
关键词:  外来植物  湿地植物  中国
The Preliminary Study on Alien Vascular Plants in Wetland of China
ZHAO Hongyan1,2, JIANG Yong1,2, LIU Runhong1,2, LIANG Shichu1,2
(1.Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection(Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China;2.College of Life Science, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China)
[Objective] Learning about wetland alien invasive plants can provide scientific basis for the protection, management and utilization of wetlands in China, and provide references for the control of invasive alien species and the risk assessment of alien plants. [Methods] Using field investigations and literature analysis methods, the species composition, life type, ecological type, origin, invasion channel and detrimental extent of the wetland alien vascular plants in China were counted and analyzed. [Results] There were 189 species of generalized wetland alien vascular plants that belonged to 47 families and 93 genus in China. Among them, Nymphaeaceae had the richest species and accounted for 12.16%. There were 167 species that were intentionally introduced and 22 species that were unintentionally introduced. America was the main origins of invasive alien species of China. There were 9 kinds of malignant invasive species, 10 kinds of severely invasive species, 4 kinds of local invasive species, 23 kinds of general invasive species and 143 kinds of non-hazardous species. [Conclusion] The life style of the alien vascular wetland plant in China was dominated by perennial herbs, the ecological types were dominated by submerged plants and emerged plants, and most of them were intentionally introduced by humans.
Key words:  alien plant  wetland plant  China

