  • 荆圆圆,陈群,张天文,刘恩孚,王志刚,郭文,刘广斌.不同规格魁蚶在不同温度下潜沙率差异分析[J].广西科学院学报,2018,34(3):191-197.    [点击复制]
  • JING Yuanyuan,CHEN Qun,ZHANG Tianwen,LIU Enfu,WANG Zhigang,GUO Wen,LIU Guangbin.Analysis of Burrowing Rate with Different Sizes and Different Temperature of Scapharca broughtonii Schrenck[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2018,34(3):191-197.   [点击复制]
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荆圆圆1,2, 陈群1, 张天文1,2, 刘恩孚1, 王志刚1, 郭文1,2, 刘广斌1,2
(1.山东省海洋生物研究院, 山东青岛 266104;2.山东省海水健康养殖工程技术创新示范平台, 山东青岛 266104)
[目的]通过对不同规格的魁蚶在不同温度下潜沙率差异的分析,探究魁蚶的潜沙行为与温度的关系,为魁蚶的底播增殖提供数据支撑。[方法]实验设置12℃、15℃、18℃和21℃ 4个不同的温度梯度,水温变化均控制在±0.2℃以内。在水箱中铺沙进行观察实验,记录不同规格魁蚶在各温度组的下潜情况,计算各潜沙率。[结果]水温在12℃和15℃时,不同规格魁蚶的初潜率均低于18℃和21℃的初潜率。水温在18℃和21℃时,不同规格魁蚶的初潜率及最终潜沙率均在90%以上,并且小规格魁蚶组的潜沙率略高于大规格魁蚶组。魁蚶规格为1.5 cm和2 cm组在不同温度下的初潜率高于1 cm组和2.5 cm组。1.5 cm组在12℃的潜沙率略高于2 cm组,在15℃、18℃和21℃时较为接近,均在93%以上。[结论]应选取潜沙速度快、适应能力强的规格作为埋栖型贝类的底播规格,建议选择2 cm作为魁蚶底播规格;底播温度根据实验结果建议选择(20±2)℃。
关键词:  魁蚶  温度  苗种规格  底播增殖
Analysis of Burrowing Rate with Different Sizes and Different Temperature of Scapharca broughtonii Schrenck
JING Yuanyuan1,2, CHEN Qun1, ZHANG Tianwen1,2, LIU Enfu1, WANG Zhigang1, GUO Wen1,2, LIU Guangbin1,2
(1.Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao, Shandong, 266104, China;2.Shandong Provincial Healthy Mariculture Engineering Innovation Demonstration Platform, Qingdao, Shandong, 266104, China)
[Objective] By analyzing the burrowing rate in Scapharca broughtonii with different sizes and different temperatures, the relationship between the burrowing behavior of S. broughtonii and temperature was explored, which provided data support for promoting steady and healthy development of the multiplication and cultivation of S. broughtonii. [Methods] Four different temperature gradients of 12℃, 15℃, 18℃ and 21℃ were set in the experiment, and the water temperature variation were all controlled within ±0.2℃ during the experiment. Sanding was carried out in a water tank for observation experiments, and the burrowing rate in S. broughtonii with different sites and different temperatures were calculated. [Results] When the water temperature was 12℃ and 15℃, the initial burrowing rate in S. broughtonii with different sizes were all lower than that of 18℃ and 21℃. When the water temperature was 18℃ and 21℃, the initial burrowing rate and the final burrowing rate in S. broughtonii with different sizes were all higher than 90 percent, and the small-size burrowing rate was higher than the large-size group. The initial burrowing rate in S. broughtonii of 1.5 cm and 2 cm groups were higher than 1 cm and 2.5 cm groups with different temperatures. The burrowing rate in S. broughtonii of 1.5 cm group was higher than 2 cm group, their experimental results were similar at 15℃, 18℃ and 21℃, and both above 93 percent. [Conclusion] The size whose burrowing rate was fast and adaptable should be chosen as the gauge of burrowing rate. It was recommended to select 2 cm as a suitable specification to bottom-sowing culture. The bottom sowing temperature was recommended to choose (20±2)℃ according to the experimental results.
Key words:  Scapharca broughtonii  temperature  spat size  bottom sowing culture

