  • 刘猛,李斌,陈新华,刘文会,姜有文.X65管线钢在油水混合物中的水线腐蚀发展趋势[J].广西科学院学报,2018,34(4):261-267.    [点击复制]
  • LIU Meng,LI Bin,CHEN Xinhua,LIU Wenhui,JIANG Youwen.Water-Line Corrosion Growth Trends in Oil-Water Mixture of X65 Pipeline Steel[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2018,34(4):261-267.   [点击复制]
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刘猛1, 李斌2, 陈新华1, 刘文会1, 姜有文3
(1.中国石油管道科技研究中心, 河北廊坊 065000;2.中油管道检测技术有限责任公司, 河北廊坊 065000;3.中国石油管道公司, 河北廊坊 065000)
[目的]通过腐蚀评价实验判断水线腐蚀的发展趋势,为管道投产前内腐蚀防控措施的制定提供依据。[方法]通过腐蚀预浸泡实验在X65管线钢试片表面预先形成水线腐蚀,然后采用腐蚀失重实验,研究其在原油和储罐沉积水混合物中的腐蚀发展趋势,并结合SEM和XRD表面分析技术分析其腐蚀产物特性。[结果]在150 d内的水线腐蚀实验条件下,X65管线钢腐蚀以均匀腐蚀为主,未出现明显点蚀,腐蚀产物主要为保护性差的γ-FeOOH;且随着浸泡时间的延长,腐蚀失重逐渐增加,符合幂指数规律,腐蚀产物对腐蚀的抑制作用较小。改变浸泡环境后,X65管线钢在油相中的腐蚀速率明显降低,在水相和油水界面相的腐蚀速率变化不大。[结论]在150 d的存放时间内,残留试压水未投产管线的水线腐蚀对管线安全危害较小。管道投产后投产前形成的水线腐蚀在油品覆盖其表面的条件下基本不发展,无需采取内腐蚀防治措施。
关键词:  长输管道  内腐蚀  水线腐蚀  发展趋势
Water-Line Corrosion Growth Trends in Oil-Water Mixture of X65 Pipeline Steel
LIU Meng1, LI Bin2, CHEN Xinhua1, LIU Wenhui1, JIANG Youwen3
(1.Petrochina Pipeline R & D Center, Langfang, Hebei, 065000, China;2.China Petroleum Pipeline Inspection Technologies Co., Ltd, Langfang, Hebei, 065000, China;3.Petrochina Pipeline Company, Langfang, Hebei, 065000, China)
[Objective] Judging the development trend of waterline corrosion through corrosion evaluation experiment can provide a basis for the development of internal corrosion prevention and control measures before pipelines are put into production.[Methods] Waterline corrosion was pre-formed on the surface of X65 pipeline steel test piece by corrosion pre-soaking test. Then the corrosion growth trend in crude oil and storage tank water mixtures was studied by corrosion weight loss experiment. The characteristics of corrosion products were also analyzed by SEM and XRD surface analysis techniques.[Results] Under the condition of waterline corrosion test within 150 d,the corrosion of X65 pipeline steel was mainly uniform corrosion, without the occurrence of obvious pitting corrosion, and the corrosion products were mainly γ-FeOOH with poor protection against corrosion. And with the immersion time prolonged, the corrosion weight loss gradually increased, which was in accordance with the power exponent law. Corrosion products had less inhibition on corrosion. After changing the immersion environment, the corrosion rate of X65 pipeline steel in the oil phase was significantly reduced, and the corrosion rate at the water phase and oil-water interface phase did not change much.[Conclusion] During the storage period of 150 d, the corrosion of water-line that is not put into production from residual pressure test water is less harmful to the pipeline safety. The waterline corrosion formed before or after the pipeline is put into production is basically not developed under the condition that the oil covers its surface, and no internal corrosion prevention measures are needed.
Key words:  long distance pipeline  internal corrosion  water-line corrosion  growth trends

