  • 陈莹,黎明民,蓝文陆.北部湾近岸海域环境卫生风险状况、成因及对策[J].广西科学院学报,2019,35(2):83-90.    [点击复制]
  • CHEN Ying,LI Mingmin,LAN Wenlu.Health Risk Status,Causes and Countermeasure in Coastal Environment of the Beibu Gulf[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2019,35(2):83-90.   [点击复制]
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陈莹, 黎明民, 蓝文陆
(广西壮族自治区海洋环境监测中心站, 广西北海 536000)
关键词:  北部湾近岸海域  粪大肠菌群  卫生风险  成因  防范对策
Health Risk Status,Causes and Countermeasure in Coastal Environment of the Beibu Gulf
CHEN Ying, LI Mingmin, LAN Wenlu
(Marine Environmental Monitoring Center of Guangxi, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
In order to understand the environment health risk and it's causes of the coastal waters in the Beibu Gulf, the countermeasures were put forward pertinently. The monitoring data of dry season, wet season and normal season in the Beibu Gulf in 2016 were used to analyze the distribution and seasonal variation of fecal coliform bacteria, and estimate the environment health risk. Their correlation analysis with pH, salinity, inorganic nitrogen analysis of nitrogen, active phosphate, chemical oxygen demand and petroleum in the same period were carried out. The results showed that fecal coliform bacteria had typical land-based pollution characteristics, and the bays with greater pollution were the Fangchenggang Bay, Qinzhou Bay and Lianzhou Bay, which made some areas of the sea had certain risks to human health and shellfish raw food culture. Fecal coliform bacteria were mainly carried by rivers entering into the sea, and the cities and harbors along the coast were also the main sources of fecal coliform bacteria. The rich nutrients in marine aquaculture areas also provided good growth conditions for fecal coliform bacteria in some areas of the sea, which led to a higher population of fecal coliform bacteria and high environment health risk in estuaries, urban ports and aquaculture areas. According to the pollution characteristics of fecal coliform in different areas, various preventive measures should be taken. Treatment of livestock and poultry aquaculture wastewater and rural domestic sewage in coastal areas should be reinforced, the conditions of collection and disposal of sewage facilities and sterilization and disinfection facilities of sewage plants in coastal cities should be further improved, moreover, monitoring of fecal coliform bacteria in seafood should be strengthened in centralized aquaculture areas to prevent the occurrence of environmental sanitation.
Key words:  Beibu Gulf coastal area  fecal coliform bacteria  health risk  causes  preventive countermeasures

