  • 谢宸浩,黎德波,张羽,薛健仁.广州新一代双偏振天气雷达的性能测量和分析[J].广西科学院学报,2019,35(2):124-131.    [点击复制]
  • XIE Chenhao,LI Debo,ZHANG Yu,XUE Jianren.Performance Measurement and Analysis of New Generation Dual Polarization Weather Radar in Guangzhou[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2019,35(2):124-131.   [点击复制]
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谢宸浩, 黎德波, 张羽, 薛健仁
(广州市气象局, 广东广州 510000)
关键词:  双偏振雷达  稳定性  一致性  差分反射率
Performance Measurement and Analysis of New Generation Dual Polarization Weather Radar in Guangzhou
XIE Chenhao, LI Debo, ZHANG Yu, XUE Jianren
(Guangzhou Meteorological Bureau, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510000, China)
With the increase in the number of dual-polarization radars deployed and put into operation in China, the stability requirements for dual-polarization radars are becoming higher and higher. Therefore, the business evaluation of dual-polarization radars is conducted to provide reference for the real-time operational calibration of dual-polarization radars and the upgrade of dual-polarization radars in China in the future. The long-term stability of the internal calibration, the consistency of the whole link calibration, the consistency of the receiving link, and the consistency of the rotary joint to the receiving link of Guangzhou new-generation dual-polarization weather radar were evaluated. Through measurement and analysis, it is shown that the difference phase shift, the peak power fluctuation and the phase noise range of the receiving channel calibration of Guangzhou Radar occasionally exceed the standard, and the other parameters meet the performance index requirements. According to the continuous operation monitoring for more than half a year, the overall operation is relatively stable, especially the most critical consistency of the internal dual-channel differential reflectance. The difference fluctuation between the two channels of the whole receiving link is small and the state is relatively stable, and the parameters meet the requirements of domestic dual-polarization radar index. In addition, the phase noise and receiver dynamic performance of dual-polarization are much better than that of single polarization.
Key words:  dual-polarization radar  stability  consistency  difference reflectance

