  • 王志芳,肖俊,罗永巨.水环境镉污染对养殖鱼类的影响研究进展[J].广西科学院学报,2019,35(3):166-171.    [点击复制]
  • WANG Zhifang,XIAO Jun,LUO Yongju.A Review of the Effects of Cadmium on Aquaculture[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2019,35(3):166-171.   [点击复制]
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王志芳1, 肖俊1,2,3, 罗永巨1,2
(1.广西壮族自治区水产科学研究院, 广西水产遗传育种与健康养殖重点实验室, 广西南宁 530021;2.上海海洋大学, 上海 201306;3.广西海洋生物技术重点实验室, 广西北海 536000)
关键词:  水生动物  健康养殖  重金属    检测方法  风险评价
A Review of the Effects of Cadmium on Aquaculture
WANG Zhifang1, XIAO Jun1,2,3, LUO Yongju1,2
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Aquatic Genetic Breeding and Healthy Breeding, Guangxi Academy of Fishery Science, Nanning, Guangxi, 530021, China;2.Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, China;3.Guangxi Key Laboratory for Marine Biotechnology, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
Cadmium is one of the main heavy metal pollutants in the environment,and its accumulation in the body can cause serious toxicity to various organs of the body.At present,the problem of cadmium pollution in China's aquaculture industry has been very serious.The phenomenon of cadmium residues in aquatic animals is abundant,which not only seriously affects the quality and safety of aquaculture products in China,but greatly restricts the healthy and green development of China's aquaculture industry.Meanwhile,cadmium present in the body of aquatic animals will enter the human body through the food chain which will seriously endanger human health.The gradual improvement of modern testing technology provides conditions for studying the impact of cadmium on aquaculture.This paper mainly uses fish as the representative organism,summarizes the cumulative distribution of cadmium in aquatic animals,and discusses the hazards of cadmium residual,aiming to better respond to the policy of "purifying quality and increasing efficiency" of China's aquatic products.At the same time,it can also provide references for further promoting the healthy development of China's aquaculture industry.
Key words:  aquatic animals  healthy farming  heavy metals  cadmium  detection methods  risk assessment

