  • 李丹凤,朱健萍,卢日刚.药物杂质结构鉴定的研究进展[J].广西科学院学报,2019,35(4):281-287.    [点击复制]
  • LI Danfeng,ZHU Jianping,LU Rigang.Research Progress in Structural Identification of Drug Impurities[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2019,35(4):281-287.   [点击复制]
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李丹凤, 朱健萍, 卢日刚
(广西壮族自治区食品药品检验所, 广西南宁 530021)
关键词:  液质联用技术  杂质  结构鉴定  研究进展  抗生素药物  喹诺酮类药物  沙坦类药物
Research Progress in Structural Identification of Drug Impurities
LI Danfeng, ZHU Jianping, LU Rigang
(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Institute for Food and Drug Control, Nanning, Guangxi, 530021, China)
Drug impurity refers to any substance that affects the purity of a drug, and it is an important indicator of drug quality. The impurities in the drug, on one hand, lead to a decrease in the content of the active ingredient of the drug, which affects the therapeutic effect of the drug, and on the other hand, the toxic impurities may threaten human health during the course of administration. Therefore, it is necessary to select suitable analysis techniques for research, determine its source, and identify its structure. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry has high sensitivity, strong specificity, good reproducibility, and can provide rich structure information. It is currently the most widely used technology in the field of structural identification and analysis of drug impurities. This article reviews the recent LC-MS technology in the structure identification of impurities in antibiotics, quinolones, sartans and other drugs, and the development trend of LC-MS technology is prospected.
Key words:  LC-MS technology  impurities  structure identification  research progress  antibiotics  quinolones  sartans

