  • 王晓璐,李乐,王友红,盖春蕾,叶海斌,刘洪军,樊英,郭萍萍,穆川川,马星坤.南非斑节对虾肠道组织结构及菌群特征、代谢活性研究[J].广西科学院学报,2019,35(4):325-331.    [点击复制]
  • WANG Xiaolu,LI Le,WANG Youhong,GAI Chunlei,YE Haibin,LIU Hongjun,FAN Ying,GUO Pingping,MU Chuanchuan,MA Xingkun.Research on Organization Structure, Micro-flora Characteristics and Metabolic Activity of Penaeus monodon[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2019,35(4):325-331.   [点击复制]
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王晓璐1, 李乐1, 王友红1, 盖春蕾1, 叶海斌1, 刘洪军1, 樊英1, 郭萍萍1, 穆川川2, 马星坤2
(1.山东省海洋生物研究院, 山东省海水养殖病害防治重点实验室, 山东青岛 266104;2.山东滨州北海经济开发区海洋与渔业局, 山东滨州 251907)
为阐述南非斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)在工厂化养殖模式中肠道微生物的作用,本研究基于HE染色组织切片、高通量测序、Biolog ECO技术,探讨工厂化养殖模式中南非斑节对虾肠道组织结构形态、菌群特征及肠道微生物代谢活性。结果显示,南非斑节对虾肠道组织结构类似于凡纳滨对虾,肠壁结构薄且清晰,肠上皮细胞紧密连接,微绒毛排列整齐、致密,外层结缔组织厚,可见血窦分布。通过Operational Taxonomy Unit (OTU)数量、Chao 1、Simpson、Shannon指数呈现了南非斑节对虾肠道菌群丰富度和多样性变化,测序数据合理;肠道菌群结构中门类主要包括变形菌门Proteobacteria、浮霉菌门Planctomycetes、放线菌门Actinobacteria、疣微菌门Verrucomicrobia;目水平中含量最高的是红杆菌目Rhodobacterales,其次是浮霉菌目Planctomycetales;属水平上含量表现为unclassified > 鲁杰氏菌属Ruegeria > 玫瑰变色菌属Roseovarius等,物种热图分析呈现相同结果。通过平均吸光值(Average Well Color Development,AWCD)显示肠道微生物代谢活性总体变化趋势,24 h微生物代谢活性较弱,随时间的延长,代谢活性逐渐增加,直至144 h后趋于平稳。本研究分析了南非斑节对虾肠道特征,为后续研究及健康养殖提供理论依据。
关键词:  南非斑节对虾  肠道微生物  高通量测序  组织结构  菌群特征  代谢活性
Research on Organization Structure, Micro-flora Characteristics and Metabolic Activity of Penaeus monodon
WANG Xiaolu1, LI Le1, WANG Youhong1, GAI Chunlei1, YE Haibin1, LIU Hongjun1, FAN Ying1, GUO Pingping1, MU Chuanchuan2, MA Xingkun2
(1.Shandong Key Laboratory of Disease Control in Mariculture, Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao, Shandong, 266104, China;2.Marine and Fisheries Bureau of Shandong Binzhou Beihai, Binzhou, Shandong, 251907, China)
In order to clarify the role of intestinal microorganisms in Penaeus monodon in factory culture mode, the intestinal tissue morphology, micro-flora characteristics and intestinal microbial metabolic activity of P.monodon in factory culture mode were explored based on HE stained tissue sections, high-throughput sequencing, and Biolog ECO technology. The results showed that the structure of the foregut in P.monodon was similar to that of P.vannamei.The structure of the gut wall was thin and clear. The intestinal epithelial cells were tightly connected. The microvilli were arranged neatly and densely, and the outer hoof tissue was thick, showing the distribution of sinusoids. The number of OTU (Operational taxonomy unit),Chao 1,Simpson and Shannon index effectively showed the richness and diversity of gut flora in P.monodon,the sequencing data were reasonable. The main components of the gut flora included Proteobacteria,Planctomycetes,Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. The highest level in the order was Rhodobacterales, followed by Planctomycetales. On the genus level, the content was unclassified > Ruegeria > Roseovarius,etc.The species heat map analysis showed the same results. The trend of intestinal microbial metabolic activity was shown by Average Well Color Development (AWCD). The microbial metabolic activity was weaker at 24 h,and gradually increased with time, until it stabilized after 144 h.This study analyzed the intestinal characteristics of P.monodon,providing theoretical basis for subsequent research and healthy breeding.
Key words:  Penaeus monodon  gut microorganism  high-throughput  organization structure  micro-flora  metabolic activity

