  • 柴胜丰,蒋运生,宁世江,唐健民,韦霄,韦记青.广西石灰岩特有珍稀濒危植物毛瓣金花茶的伴生群落特征[J].广西科学院学报,2020,36(1):45-55.    [点击复制]
  • CHAI Shengfeng,JIANG Yunsheng,NING Shijiang,TANG Jianmin,WEI Xiao,WEI Jiqing.Associated Community Characteristics of Camellia pubipetala,a Rare and Endangered Plant Endemic to Limestone Areas in Guangxi[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2020,36(1):45-55.   [点击复制]
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柴胜丰, 蒋运生, 宁世江, 唐健民, 韦霄, 韦记青
(广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所, 广西喀斯特植物保育与恢复生态学重点实验室, 广西桂林 541006)
对广西石灰岩特有珍稀濒危植物毛瓣金花茶(Camellia pubipetala)的伴生群落特征及其种群结构进行调查与分析,为该物种的保护和可持续利用提供科学依据。采用样地调查法对毛瓣金花茶的伴生群落进行调查,分析其伴生群落的种类组成、区系成分、结构特征及种群年龄结构。结果表明:在龙虎山1、龙虎山2、陇召和驮塞4个样地共1 600 m2的毛瓣金花茶伴生群落中,共记录维管植物202种,隶属69科158属,主要优势科为大戟科、茜草科、桑科、樟科等。属的区系成分以泛热带分布、热带亚洲分布为主,热带成分占优势(82.87%),群落具有明显的热带性质。群落生活型以高位芽植物占绝对优势(79.21%),叶的性质以中型叶、单叶、革质和全缘为主。群落可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层,层间植物丰富。种群年龄结构分析表明,毛瓣金花茶幼苗严重缺乏,种群更新能力弱,且多为小种群,呈现衰退趋势。应加强对毛瓣金花茶生境的保护,并对残存植株采取最严格的保护措施。
关键词:  毛瓣金花茶  伴生群落  区系成分  群落结构  年龄结构  石灰岩  广西
Associated Community Characteristics of Camellia pubipetala,a Rare and Endangered Plant Endemic to Limestone Areas in Guangxi
CHAI Shengfeng, JIANG Yunsheng, NING Shijiang, TANG Jianmin, WEI Xiao, WEI Jiqing
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain, Guangxi Institue of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China)
The associated community characteristics and population dynamics of Camellia pubipetala,a rare and endangered plant endemic to limestone areas in Guangxi,were investigated and analyzed to provide a scientific basis for the protection and sustainable utilization of this species.The associated community of C.pubipetala was investigated by the method of sample plot investigation.Its species composition,floristic composition,structural characteristics and population age structure were analyzed.The results showed that in 1 600 m2 Camellia pubipetala associated communities in 4 sample plots of Longhushan,Longzhao,and Pansai,202 vascular plants were recorded,belonging to 69 families and 158 genera.The main dominant families were Euphorbiaceae,Rubiaceae,Moraceae and Lauraceae.The flora of the genus was mainly distributed in the pan-tropical and tropical regions of Asia,with tropical components dominating (82.87%),and the community had obvious tropical properties.The life form in the communities was dominated by phanerophytes,which accounted for 79.21% of the total species.The leaves of plants in the communities were mainly mesophyll,single,cortaceous and entire.The structure of C.pubipetala associated communities could be divided into arbor,shrub and herb layers with rich interlayer plants.Analysis of population age structure showed that C.pubipetala seedlings were severely lacking,the population renewal ability was weak,and most were small populations,indicating a decline trend.Protection of C.pubipetala habitat should be strengthened,and the most stringent measures should be taken to protect the remaining plants.
Key words:  Camellia pubipetala  concomitant communities  floristic composition  community structure  age structure  limestone  Guangxi

