  • 于道德,张少春,宋静静,盖珊珊,迟雯丹,刘凯凯,吴海一.鱼类色素细胞及其生态学意义概述[J].广西科学院学报,2020,36(2):117-123.    [点击复制]
  • YU Daode,ZHANG Shaochun,SONG Jingjing,GE Shanshan,CHI Wendan,LIU Kaikai,WU Haiyi.Overview of Fish Pigment Cells and the Ecological Significance[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2020,36(2):117-123.   [点击复制]
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于道德, 张少春, 宋静静, 盖珊珊, 迟雯丹, 刘凯凯, 吴海一
(山东省海洋生物研究院, 山东青岛 266104)
关键词:  鱼类  色素细胞  模拟色  婚姻色  体色形成机制  视觉信号系统
Overview of Fish Pigment Cells and the Ecological Significance
YU Daode, ZHANG Shaochun, SONG Jingjing, GE Shanshan, CHI Wendan, LIU Kaikai, WU Haiyi
(Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao, Shandong, 266104, China)
The origin,classification and ecological significance of fish pigment cells are reviewed. As the largest groups of vertebrates,fish has six pigment cells originating from the neural crest. The melanophores,xanthophores,erythrophores and cyanophores contain corresponding pigment material,while the iridophores and leucophores display colors by the reflection of purine crystals. The number,size and distribution of pigment cells at different developmental stages determine the diversity of body color of fish. As a visual signal system,the body color of fish plays a very important role in key processes of its life history.The body color of fish is mainly used for individual survival and social population communication,which can be embodied as mimical colors,nuptial colors,etc.The ultraviolet body color greatly expands the scope of the fish visual signal system and is used for internal communication of the intra-population. It has a high concealment and is an adaptive strategy formed to avoid predators.Fully understanding the diversity of fish pigment cells and the complexity of body color formation can provide a scientific basis for the exploration of fish behavior and population exchange,and can provide a reference for the artificial breeding of high-quality economic fish at the same time.
Key words:  fish  pigment cell  mimical colors  nuptial coloration  body color formation mechanism  visual signal system

